En el Presente
En el Preterito
En el Restaurante

What is the proper "yo" form conjugation of "servir" in the present tense in Spanish?

What is "sirvo"?


What is the waiter or waitress called in Spanish?

What is el mesero or la mesera?


Complete the sentence in Spanish:

Marcos __________ un arroz con pollo. 

What is "pido"?


Fill in the blank:
Jorge usa un _______ para colocar su comida.

What is "el plato"?


Change the "nosotros" form to the "yo" form in the sentence:

Freimos el pescado. 

What is "Yo freio el pescado"?


In Spanish, and proper etiquette, what is the item you place over your lap before eating?

What is "la servilleta"?


Translate the sentence:

Maria y Diego comieron langosta en Lobsterfest. 

What is "Maria and Diego ate lobster at Lobsterfest"?


Fill in the blank (in Spanish):

In a restaurant, customers order from _________.

What is "el menu"?


Answer the question according to the model:

Le gusta a Juanita el pollo?

Si, y siempre lo pide.

Question: Les gusta a ustedes la ensalada con aceite y vinagre?

What is "Si, y siempre la pidemos"?


Answer the question in Spanish.

Quien sirve la comida?

What is, "El mesero serve la comida"?


Answer the question in Spanish according to the cue:

Despues de comer mucho, dormiste bien? (no, no muy bien)

What is, "No, no muy bien de comer"?


Como se dice "tea plate" en espanol? 

What is "el platillo"?


What is the proper conjugation of "repetir" when asking, "Can you repeat my order?" in Spanish?

What is "there is no proper conjugation of 'repetir' when asking someone to repeat your order. In Spanish, some questions don't require verb conjugation, like this one, '¿Puedes repetir mi pedido?'"?

(Trick question) ;-)


Answer the question in Spanish.

Cuales son cinco vegetales?

What is "el ajo, berejena, alcachofa, arroz, y maiz"?


How do you say "to reserve" in the vosotros form in the past tense in Spanish?

What is "reservasteis"?


Answer the following (in Spanish):

If you order meat that is very undercooked and is red and pink in color, you prefer to eat meat ______.

What is "casi crudo" or "no muy cocido/a"?


Fill in the blanks with the verb provided in parentheses:

El mesero les ________ (servir) a los clientes lo que ellos le ________ (pedir). 

What is "serve" and "piden"?


Get a piece of paper out for this one...

In proper etiquette, a variety of items are placed before you before the course of a meal. Draw what these items are and label them (in Spanish). 

What is "la taza, el platillo, el plato, el tenedor, el cuchillo, la cuchara, la cucharita, y la servilleta"?


Translate the sentence in order to answer the question.

María fue a cenar con sus amigas. Ella pidió pescado frito. Su amiga Maya ordenó arroz y frijoles. María dijo que su plato era delicioso, ¿qué tenía que comer?

What is "Maria had fried fish to eat"?


Answer the following:

El mesero te entrega tu cuenta. Su cuenta es de treinta y cinco dólares de los Estados Unidos. La propina sugerido es del quince por ciento. ¿Cuál sería la propina para el mesero?

What is $5.25?
