to take out the trash en español
sacar la basura
closet en español
closet = armario
on top (of) en español
encima de
Translate: I have to sweep.
I have to sweep. = Tengo que barrer (el suelo).
¿Qué es el capital de Perú?
to water the plants en español
regar las plantas
toilet en español
toilet = retrete
beside, next to en español
al lado (de)
Translate: I should wash the dishes.
I should wash the dishes. = Debo lavar los platos.
I walk the dog. en español
Paseo al perro.
hallway en español
hallway = pasillo
near en español
cerca (de)
Translate: Someone needs to cook. OR One must cook.
One must cook. = Hay que cocinar.
What is the most visited site by tourists in Perú?
Machu Picchu
She irons the clothes. en español
Ella plancha la ropa.
dresser en español
dresser = tocador
Translate: The table is to the left of the chair.
The table is to the left of the chair.
La silla está a la izquierda de la silla.
Describe the difference between:
tener que
hay que
tener que = something someone has to do
deber = something someone should do or must do
hay que = something that must be done, by anyone in general
What is one of the indigenous languages of Perú?
Quechua or Aymara
to vacuum en español
pasar la aspiradora
fifth floor en español
fifth floor = quinto piso
Translate: The microwave is above the stove.
The microwave is above the stove.
La microondas está arriba de la estufa.
Translate: My brother should walk the dog.
My brother should walk the dog. = Mi hermano debe pasear al perro.
Which lake in Perú has floating islands?
Lago Titicaca