This is a strap that keeps you safe when you are riding in the car.
This helps you to see in the dark. It can be found at the front of the car.
This part has a brightly colored top and tells you when to "add" oil.
This tool helps you to pour oil.
This is the liquid you use to clean your windshield.
Windshield Wiper Fluid
This circular part helps you to move the car to the left and to the right.
Steering Wheel
This helps other cars to see your car in the dark. It can be found at the back of the car.
This makes the car run.
Several of these small parts help to keep the tire on.
This is the liquid that helps the engine run smoothly.
These help to keep you safe in a car crash, but they are also the reason you should not be in the front seat until you are tall enough.
This is the part of the car at the front where the engine can be found.
You should be careful when touching car parts under the hood because they are...
This tool helps you to remove or tighten lug nuts.
Tire Iron
This liquid is used to cool down the engine.
This part inside the car can be found near the floor. It makes the car go.
This is the part of the car in the back where you can store items.
The cap that you unscrew during an oil change has this written on it.
The type of oil you need
This tool helps to lift the car off the ground when you are changing a tire.
This liquid is in coolant and stops the liquids in the car from freezing.
This part inside the car can be found near the floor. It makes the car stop.
Brake Pedal
This is the extra tire that you may have to use to get to the car garage if you get a flat tire.
This is where the latch can be found to pop the hood.
Inside the car, driver side
This liquid is used to make the car drive.