What are the monomeric units of carbohydrates called
What are unhealthy calories rich carbohydrates forms: Monosaccharides and Disaccharides or Polysaccharides
Monosaccharides and Disaccharides
What is the chemical name for table sugar?
Which of the above carbohydrates is polysaccharide
Both Starch and Cellulose are polysaccharides
After starch are completed digested in your body what do they turn into
What are Triglycerides called
How is the extra glucose in the Plant stored as
How is the extra glucose in the human body stored as
What is Fiber found in food called (name of the polysaccharide)
What is the bond that links monosaccharides together are called
Glycosidic bonds
Which of the two Fatty acids is present more in Red meats, Butter, Lard etc. and considered as unhealthy
Saturated Fatty acids
Which of the two fatty acids proportions are more in Olive oil
Unsaturated fatty acids
What food that you eat with milk has carbs
What is cereal