Good Carbs
Bad Carbs
Nutrition Facts
Simple Carbs
Complex Carbs
What is an example of a good carbohydrate?
- Fruits - Vegetables - Beans - Nuts - Seeds - Whole grain bread - Whole grain cereal - Whole grain pasta - Some dairy products
What are bad carbs?
Bad carbs are foods that have been processed and refined, in other words simple sugars.
How many grams of carbs should an average person have in a day?
200-325 grams based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.
What is another name for simple carbs?
Simple sugar e.g.: Glucose Fructose Galactose
What are complex carbs high in?
Complex Carbohydrates are high in fiber or starch. (Nutritionally starch is a simple carb.)
What are good carbohydrates rich in?
Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients
What are some examples of bad carbs?
Twinkies. Refined white flours like: white bread, white pasta, and white rice, processed foods like waffles, cakes, cookies, biscuits, pancakes, chips, lunch meats, hot dogs etc. Puddings, custards, jelly and jams.
How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you have in a day?
You should have a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
Do simple carbs take a long or short time to digest?
Simple carbs digest very fast.
Complex foods that are loaded with fiber improve what?
Your digestion & blood sugar. They decrease the likelihood of developing diverticuli.
What do good carbs give one a sense of?
Good carbs give one a sense of feeling full. (?)
What are bad carbs low in and what do they cause?
Bad carbs are low in fiber, and they cause a fast rise in blood sugar levels after they have been eaten, resulting in Heart disease, Cancer, & Diabetes.
Name two ways you can make better choices to eat the right carbs?
-If you eat white bread, switch over to stone ground wheat. When buying bread make sure the label reads “ whole wheat ” or “ cracked wheat ” as the first ingredient. -For snacks if you eat crackers that are high in fat and sodium, switch to whole wheat crackers. For example Triscuits are made with whole wheat. -Stir fresh fruit into yogurt rather than buying sweetened yogurt. -Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday -Choose whole grain pasta over refined flour pasta -Choose bran or whole grain cereal
What is the taste of simple carbs?
They taste sweet.
Long chains of sugar molecules are called what?
Starch, glycogen, or fiber.
What are good sources of soluble fiber?
* Oat bran * Oatmeal * Beans and legumes * Peas * Carrots * Sweet potatoes * Rice bran * Barley * Citrus fruits * Strawberries * Apples * Bananas
What happens when you consume large amounts of simple carbs?
When these carbs are eaten in large amounts, one will notice a shot of energy, which is followed by a tired feeling, then a feeling of hunger.
What percentage of your diet should be carbs?
Experts say 40 to 65 percent of the calories you eat every day should come from carbohydrates.
What are the two ways we get simple carbs in our diet?
-Naturally occurring sugars that include lactose (sugar in milk), glucose (Foods naturally high in glucose include honey, agave, molasses, dried fruit, fruits, and fruit juices), and fructose (sugar in fruit and honey). -Added sugar which includes sucrose, otherwise known as table sugar, and a whole list of other sugars.
What do starches serve as?
Starches serve as a storage form of energy in plants. When you eat those plants your body then breaks down the carbs for energy.
What are good sources of non-soluble fiber?
* Whole-wheat breads * Wheat cereal * Wheat bran * Rice (except for white rice) * Barley * Cabbage * Beets * Brussels sprouts * Turnips * Cauliflower * Fruits and vegetables with skin
People who eat a lot of bad carbs are at risk for?
People who eat a lot of bad carbs are at high risk for: heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, obesity and more.
How do you calculate how much carbs your body needs in a day?
To calculate how many carbs you should eat in a day: find out how much calories you need in a day, then multiply that time 0.4 for the minimum and times .65 for the maximum. There are 4 calories in a gram of carbohydrates so then divide your result by 4. The answer you get will be how many grams of carbs you need in a day. For a 2,000 calorie a day diet that would be 800 to 1,300 calories of carbs a day. Dividing that by 4 calories per grams gives you 200 to 325 grams of carbs per day.
What happens to carbs during digestion?
During digestion, sugar and starches are broken down to monosaccharides and absorbed into the blood stream, to be used by your body’s cells for energy. Soluble fibers are digested by intestinal bacteria. Insoluble fibers pass through the digestive tract undigested.
Complex carbs raises your blood's ______ levels more slowly. Fill in the blank!