Carbon Pricing is composed of X parts
What is 2
The federal framework that sets Canada's carbon pricing standard
What is greenhouse gas pricing act?
The main concern of the carbon tax.
What are economic concerns?
Country with most GHGs and very weak carbon pricing in place.
Who is China?
Returning carbon revenue to citizens to ease climate policy resistance.
What are carbon dividends?
The year the federal government imposed Carbon Pricing
What is 2019
Canadian province follows a cap-and-trade system linked to California’s WCI
Who is Quebec?
The emissions of Canada vs China in GHG on a global scale.
What is 1.5% vs 30%?
These three provinces started the Carbon Tax in Canada.
Who is B.C., Alberta & Quebec?
Rebates for households and businesses to ensure tax fairness.
What are progressive taxes?
The Carbon pricing components
What is carbon tax & cap-and-trade system
The planned carbon tax rate in Canada by 2030
What is $170/ton CO₂?
They have pledged to repeal the carbon tax if in office.
Who is the Conservative Party of Canada?
Tax-free payment helping eligible Canadians pay for carbon taxes.
What is Carbon Tax Rebate?
Grants, loans, and tax credits for clean tech in Canada.
What are green tech funding models?
The original agreement that later turned into Carbon tax
What is Kyoto Protocol
The program does Alberta use to regulate industrial emitters
What is TIER?
When companies relocate to places with less stringent requirements.
What is carbon leakage?
This region of Canada has the highest Carbon Tax.
What is the three territories?
A system that limits emissions and trades allowances.
What is an Emissions Trading System (ETS)?
Another term for "The Federal Benchmark"
What is Pan-Canadian Approach
The Percentage of carbon tax revenue is allocated to household rebates.
What is 40%?
Revenue neutral, replace regulations and not used for subsidies.
What is the economic theory for a beneficial carbon tax?
Carbon pricing framework used in the EU.
What is Cap & Trade?
Government support for clean tech through grants, loans, and subsidies.
What are green tech funding models?