The innermost layer of tissue in the heart
What is the endocardium
Lowest possible grade necessary on final exams to pass
What is 70%
Number of years of paramedic experience necessary to qualify for the TNKase class
What is a minimum of 2 years
Medication that dilates both arteries and veins, but is much more efficient in veins
What is nitroglycerin
Number of questions on the final exam
What is 80
Partial Pressure of Oxygen in inspired air.
What is 160 mmHg.
Facilitates the diffusion of respiratory gases across the alveolar membrane
What is the difference in the partial pressure of gases/diffusion
Nitroglycerine works by dilating vessels, allowing more blood flow around occlusions and this equally important function.
What is decreases preload.
The inner most layer of Pericardium
What is visceral pericardium
This artery runs just inferior to the left atria and continues around to posterior side of the heart
What is the circumflex coronary artery
The thickest layer of heart tissue
What is the myocardium
Holds the atrioventricular valves closed during asystole
What is chordae tendinae
States that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of each gases partial pressure.
What is Dalton's Law
Partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolus
What is 160mm Hg
Tissue that lines the interior walls of atria
What is pectinate muscle
Neurotransmitter released by the cardioacceleratory center; must jump gap junctions to reach target tissue
What is norepinephrine
Partial pressure of CO2 in the alveolus
What is 30mm Hg
Patrial pressure of Oxygen in respiratory arterioles.
What is 40 mmHg
Vessel where the partial pressure of carbon dioxide will be the lowest
What is the pulmonary veniole
Vessel with the lowest partial pressure of oxygen
what is the pulmonary artery
Heart valve that is subject to the highest pressure
What is the bicuspid valve
Nervous system that connects the cardioaccerlatory medulla to the heart
What is the sympathetic nervous system
Neurotransmitter released by the cardioinhibitory center; must cross gap junctions to effect target tissue
What is acetylcholine
Medication that takes up receptor sites on pacemaker cells; compliments the cardioacceleratory role
What is atropine
Hormone released by the cardioaccelratory center; interacts with specialized cells in the heart
What is epinephrine