What is the pacemaker node of the heart?
Sinoatrial node (SA Node)
Preload: More blood going in must mean...
more blood coming out
How do you calculate Cardiac Output (CO) easy way?
CO = SV * HR
What does cyanotic heart defect mean?
Why does the blood speed get less when blood vessels constrict?
The resistance is increased with smaller vessels. Resistance = 1 / radius ^ 4
What is the molecule used in Phase 0 for nodes?
What are the inner and outer layers of the heart called?
Endocardium and Epicardium
How do you calc (short for calculator) blood flow (easy version)?
Q = Delta P / Resistance
Eisenmerger Syndrome does what to the things at the end of hands and feet?
Pink fingers and blue toes
The end of what phase makes the S1 "Lub" sound, and what creates that sound?
End of filling phase (beginning of ejection), created by mitral valve closing
What molecule repolarizes both nodes and ventricles?
Describe the valve when P1 = P2
The valve is Open
Describe Net Filtration Pressure
Net Filtration = Capillary Pressure (Pc), Interstitial Fluid Pressure (Pif), Plasma Colloid Osmotic Pressure (𝝅p), and Interstitial Fluid Colloid Osmotic Pressure (𝝅if). Basically all of the pressures acting on the capillaries.
What malformation is more common in premature babies and causes a left to right shunt?
Patent Ductus Arteriousus (PDA)
It secretes serous fluid to decrease friction between it and the parietal pericardium
Which molecule depolarizes quickest, for node or ventricle, and for what phase?
Na+, Ventricle, Phase 0
Increasing afterload does what to the cardiac function curve?
Lowers it (shifts it right)
What is the Cardiac Output equation in systemic circulation?
What syndrome (and why) makes aortic aneurysms happen more frequently?
Marfan Syndrome, because it weakens the collagen in the heart. An aortic aneurysm happens when blood breaks through the Tunica intima and fills the false lumen.
What allows rapid communication between muscle cells and Purkinje fibers?
Gap junctions
What does the slope of the funny current tell you?
A joke. JK. How fast your Nodes can resend an action potential. aka how fast your heart beats
What edema is caused by fluid retained in the interstitial space by lipids in the dermis
How do you find the Cardiac Output in pulmonary circulation?
Describe Truncus Arteriousus
When there is one big trunk that supplies pulmonary, systemic, and coronary. Also associated w/ DiGeorge
What does shortening a sarcomere do to the heart?
It causes congestive heart failure (CHF) because there is not enough stretch, therefore not enough tension and less contractility.