What does Cardio stand for in Cardio Respiratory system?
What should be the normal resting blood pressure at?
What is Metabolic Rate?
How long a Cardiorepiratory edueabce workout session last is called?
A) Frequency B) Intensity
C) Type D) Time
D) Time
What does Respiratory Mean in the Cardio Respiratory?
How many chambers dose the heart have?
During Exercises, How much dose your heart rate normally increases by?
170-210 bpm
Increasing the speed or pace swimming laps?
A) Frequency B) Intensity
C) Time D) Type
B) Intensity
What carries away waste products?
Cardio Respiratory System
What carry oxygenated blood away from the heart?
What does Exercise lower the risk of?
Chronic disease, Heart disease, Falls, Injury, Better moods
An example of Cardio Respiratory Endurance is?
Running the Pacer
What three things dose the Cardio Respiratory System consists of?
Heart, Blood Vessels, and the Lungs
What can you do to protect your heart?
Exercise regularly, maintained a healthy diet, no drugs or alcohol
ATP production takes place in m...?
How many compounds of Fitness are their?
What is the definition of Cardio Respiratory System
It circulates blood through the body, Carrington oxygen and nutrient to the organs and tissues
How can you calculate your heart rate?
Subtract your age by 220
What does Immediate, Anaerobic, and Aerobic provide?
Immediate- Provides energy rapidly
Anaerobic- dose not require oxygen
Aerobic- Requires oxygen
Preforming low reputation, at high intensity of Anaerobic exercise improves muscular strength? True or False?