An AV block with an increasing PR interval followed by a dropped beat
2nd degree type 1 or Wenkebach
Name the four valves of the heart
tricuspid, pulmonary, bicuspid, aortic
A common platelet inhibitor given to chest pain patients
Hardening of the arteries
A wide QRS complex with an rsR pattern in V1
The only artery in the body that carries unoxygenated blood
Pulmonary Artery
A medication given to reduce preload and relieve chest pain
Plaque build up in the arteries
AV dissociation, Wide QRS, rates greater than 150, and extreme axis deviation
The coronary artery that supplies the left atria and ventricle
A common type of medication that regulates the heart rate to control blood pressure
beta blockers
A chronic condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's needs
This wave is indicative of WPW
the 3 layers of an artery
intima, media, externa
A class medication that decreases the excitability of the hearts tissue to reduce unwanted electrical activity
Infection of the inner lining of the heart
Biphasic or deeply inverted T waves in V2-V3 are highly specific for what syndrome
Wellens syndrome
What are the 4 properties of cardiac cells
excitability, conductivity, automaticity, contractability
What type of medication is Cardizem?
Calcium channel blocker
Caused by spasm within the smallest coronary artery walls
Microvascular angina