What carries blood into the right atrium?
the superior and inferior vena cava
What is the "universal" blood donor type?
O negative
What is generally accepted as normal blood pressure?
What severe complication of a heart attack causes a sudden cessation of the heart's electrical activity, leading to no pulse?
cardiac arrest
What lifestyle change is recommended to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol?
What carries blood into the left atrium?
the pulmonary veins
What makes up 55% of blood?
What is the term that refers to blood pressure when the heart is contracting?
systolic blood pressure
What heart rhythm disorder causes the heart beats too fast, often greater than 100 beats per minute?
What condition, commonly associated with high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke?
What artery receives blood from the left atrium?
the aorta
What is the main component of hemoglobin?
What is the term that refers to blood pressure when the heart is at rest?
diastolic blood pressure
What condition is characterized by the narrowing of the coronary arteries, often leading to chest pain and heart attacks?
coronary artery disease
The recommended daily intake of this nutrient is limited to reduce the risk of heart disease, especially in the form of salt.
The right ventricle sends blood into which arteries?
the pulmonary arteries
What disease makes someone unable to clot?
Blood pressure is measured using what units?
millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)
What condition involves the heart's inability to pump blood effectively, leading to fluid accumulation in the lungs and body?
heart failure
This class of fats is typically found in animal products and certain processed foods and is known to raise levels of LDL cholesterol, contributing to atherosclerosis and heart disease.
saturated fats
The ventricles are separated by what structure?
the intraventricular septum
What are the 3 main types of white blood cells?
t-cells, b-cells, and natural killer cells
What is the name of the device used to measure blood pressure?
What condition involves a sudden blockage of a coronary artery, typically due to a blood clot, resulting in damage to the heart muscle?
myocardial infarction
This condition, often referred to as "the silent killer," significantly increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure but typically has no symptoms in the early stages.
hypertension (high blood pressure)