This is complete, sudden cessation of heart action. The condition is rapidly fatal, producing irreversible brain damage after five minutes.
The major symptom is the sudden ending of heart function, hence the absence of heartbeat and pulse.
Cardiac Arrest
How should you treat anemia?
Iron replacement
What causes Hypotension?
It can result from an acute blood loss, heart failure, shock, kidney failure, thyroid disease, and other infectious conditions.
What does having a High Blood Pressure put you at risk for?
What part of the circulatory system carries blood out of the heart?
In this condition, stage one blood pressure is consistently elevated at 130–139/80–89 and above 140/90 for stage two.
The presence of elevated blood pressure readings is the only observable sign. Some people may sense that their blood pressure is high and experience headache or “feel” pressure.
How should you treat Heart Failure?
Drug therapy or heart replacement/surgery
What causes Aneurysm?
A slight break or weakness in the muscular layer of an artery allows the pressure of the blood to push the walls of the blood vessel out. The larger the bulge, the thinner the arterial wall becomes. Eventually, the wall gives way and a hemorrhage occurs.
What does having a High Cholesterol put you at risk for?
Cardiac Arrest
What part of the circulatory system creates the "lub" sound
The mitral and tricupid valves
This is a disease of the arteries that surround the heart, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium.
The lack of oxygen causes the typical symptoms of angina: tightness of the chest and crushing substernal chest pains radiating to the left arm, neck, and shoulder blades. Other symptoms may be nausea, vomiting, fainting, and perspiring. When angina pain persists, it suggests an infarction.
Coronary Artery Disease
How should you treat Stasis Ulcer?
Elevation, warm soaks, bed rest and drugs to counteract infection.
What causes Carditis?
Acute pericarditis is caused by bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. It can be caused by noninfectious etiologies as well.
What does Smoking put you at risk for?
Coronary Artery Disease
What part of the circulatory system carries blood back from kidneys?
Renal vein/ inferior vena cava
This is a malignant disease of the bone marrow (myelogenous) or lymphatic tissue (lymphocytic). It can be present in either an acute or chronic form. It is estimated that it will strike 60,300 Americans in 2020 and will cause the death of 24,455.
In the acute phase, a great number of immature white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow or lymph tissue. The earliest symptoms of the disease are fever, pallor, fatigue, swelling of lymphoid tissue (spleen, liver), and a tendency toward large bruises.
How should you treat Myocardial Infarction?
Strong analgesic drugs such as morphine, anticoagulants, and angioplasty.
What causes Embolism?
A thrombus that forms within a blood vessel becomes an embolus when it breaks loose and begins to circulate. An embolus can also result from air introduced into a blood vessel. Skeletal fractures cause the formation of fat emboli. One theory holds that minute fat globules from the bone marrow enter the damaged blood vessels at the fracture site.
What does having Diabetes put you at risk for?
Myocardial Infarction
What part of the circulatory system sends electrical signals for rhythm?
The sinoatrial (SA) node
This localized inflammation of a vein causes an alteration in the epithelial lining, which predisposes to the formation of a thrombus. It can occur in deep or superficial veins.
How should you treat Varicosities?
An exercise program to improve circulation, use of antiembolism stockings, attention to sitting position, and the elimination of tight-fitting or constricting clothing
What causes Angina?
The pain is believed to be caused by a spasm or blockage of one or more coronary arteries, which results in ischemia to a portion of the heart muscle.
What disease can you have be passed down to you genetically?
Sickle Cell Anemia
What two nerves regulate the speed of the heart beat?
Vagus and Accelerator