Arteries and Blood Vessels

This condition is characterized by a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells or hemoglobin, leading to fatigue and weakness.

What is Anemia?


This condition is characterized by the deposit of fatty material along the linings of the arteries, as the material builds up, the opening of the artery may become partially or totally closed, thereby reducing or eliminating the flow of blood to the area.

What is Arteriosclerosis?


This condition occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood effectively, leading to fluid buildup in the lungs and other parts of the body.

What is Congestive Heart Failure?


This condition refers to which the lining of the vein wall becomes inflamed and a thrombus forms.

What is Thrombophlebitis?


This is the sudden loss of heart function, leading to loss of blood flow to the brain and other organs.

What is Heart Failure?


This condition occurs when a blood clot or other foreign substance travels through the bloodstream and lodges in a blood vessel, potentially causing a blood clot. 

What is Embolism?


 This condition occurs when the coronary arteries narrow or become blockers, preventing the heart from getting enough oxygen and blood. 

What is Coronary Artery Disease?


This condition, characterized by the abnormal thickening of the heart muscle, particularly the ventricles, can lead to issues with blood flow and heart function.

What is Hypertonic Cardiomyopathy?


This condition refers to the inflammation of a vein, typically occurring in the legs, and may cause redness, swelling, and pain along the affected vein.

What is Phlebitis?


This condition refers to inflammation of the heart muscle, often cause by viral infections, autoimmune diseases, or certain medications.

What is Myocarditis?


This inherited blood disorder causes red blood cells to become misshapen and break down, leading to pain, anemia, and other serious conditions.

What is Sickle Cell Anemia?


Also known as a stroke, this condition is caused by decreased or complete loss of blood flow to a portion of the myocardium.

What is Myocardial Infraction?


This life-threatening condition involves a rapid heart rate originating from the lower chambers of the heart, which can prevent it from pumping enough blood to the body.

What is Ventricular Tachycardia?


This condition occurs when the veins in the legs are unable to pump blood effectively back to the heart, often due to damaged or weakened valves.

What is Chronic Venous Insufficiency?


This term is used to describe a stroke, which occurs when blood flow to part of the brain is interrupted, cussing brain cells to die.

What is a Cerebrovascular Accident?


This condition occurs when the platelet count in your body is too low.

What is Thrombocytopenia?


This is the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in the artery walls. This buildup is known as plaque and can cause the arteries to narrow, blocking the blood flow. 

What is Atherosclerosis?


This common heart rhythm disorder is characterized by an irregular and often rapid heart rate originating from the upper chambers of the heart, increasing the risk of stroke and heart failure.

What is Arterial Fibrillation?


This condition refers to a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the legs, leg pain or swelling may occur, but there may be no symptoms.

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?


This type of carditis occurs when the outer layer of the heart becomes inflamed, often due to viral infections or autoimmune diseases, and can lead to chest pains and difficulty breathing.

What is Pericarditis?


This is a rare disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot in the typical way because it doesn’t have enough blood-clotting proteins (clotting factors).

What is Hemophilia?


Occurring in the legs or lower extremities, is the narrowing or blockage of the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the legs.

What is Peripheral Artery Disease?


This serious condition involves an infection of the inner lining of the heart chambers and valves, often caused by bacteria entering the bloodstream.

What is Endocarditis?


This condition refers to veins that are swollen or twisted, most commonly appearing in the legs and feet, for most people there are no symptoms but in some cases they cause aching pain and discomfort or signal an underlying circulatory problem.

What is Varicosities?


This condition refers to an irregular or abnormal heartbeat, which can either be too fast, too slow, or erratic.

What is Arrhythmia?
