The Cardiovascular System is also known as...
The Circulatory System
A Heart Attack is also known as...
Myocardial Infarction
In 2022, about __ in __ deaths from Cardiovascular Disorders.
1 in 5
How old is Kevin?
21 (August 23rd, 2003)
Blood goes from _____ blood to _____ blood after passing through the heart.
Oxygen Poor Blood to Oxygen Rich Blood
Deoxygenated to Oxygenated
Name a minimum of 5 risk factors to Cardiovascular Diseases.
Smoking, Diabetes, Family History, Obesity, Stress, Diet, High blood pressure, and High cholesterol levels.
Women have more complicated medical histories at the time of a heart attack, including high blood pressure, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
What team did Kevin officially teach first?
Name 3 types of nutrients the Cardiovascular System provides to the human body.
Vitamins, Minerals, Sugar, Fat, Protein, Amino Acids, and or Glycerol.
What are the four most common symptoms that may indicate you are suffering from a Cardiovascular Disorder?
Chest Pain, Shortness of Breathe, Sweating, Palpitations.
Hypertnsion is trying to be reduced by ___ by 2030
How tall is Kevin?
What are the 5 main parts of the Cardiovascular System?
Artery, Vein, Capillary, Heart, and Lungs.
When it comes to Hypertension, who is the most affected?
People with lower socioeconomic status are more likely to have high blood pressure.
In the Inwood and Washington Height community, what percentage of people are unaware that they have hypertension?
What was Kevin's Team name?
What is the Blood Flow order through the Heart.
When does a Ventricular Septal Defect occur?
Occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. This can damage or destroy part of the heart muscle.
Name any cardiovascular disorder that you know about that we may not have discussed today.
What team number was Kevin in?
MRI'S Team 20
Team 13