This class of medication is works by removing excess electrolytes and water through the kidneys
What are diuretics
These drugs work by decreasing formation of clots
What are platelet aggregation inhibitors
Left main coronary artery, circumflex artery, left anterior descending artery
What are the 3 main coronary arteries
These antihypertensives supress the conversion of angiotensin 1 to 2
What are ace inhibitors
Verapamil and Diltiazem
What ar the non-hydropyridine calcium channel blockers?
The ending sound of most diuretics
What are the thiazides
These 2 antigoagulants interfere with the synthesis of coagulation factors
What are heparin and warfarin
The 4 types of antianginal drugs
What are beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, organic nitrates and sodium channel blockers
The ending sound for most ace inhibitors
What are "Prils"
Reduce preload due to venodilation
What are organic nitrates?
This type of antihypertensive works by causing coronary artery dilation and lengthening the absolute refractory period
What are calcium channel blockers
This drug causes systemic fibrinolysis
What is Streptokinase
Decreased heart rate, contractility, cardiac output and blood pressure
The ending sound for most angiotensin receptor blockers
What are "Sartans"
What is a longer acting organic nitrate
The ending sound of calcium channel blockers
what are pines?
The formation of an unwanted clot in a blood vessel
What is a thrombosis
Propanolol, metropolol, atenolol, timolol
What are the beta blockers used to treat angina
The ending sounds for most antihypertensive beta blockers?
What are olols?
These drugs are given preventatively for angina
What are beta blockers
These antihypertensive calcium blockers are non-selective for heart and vessels
What are diliazem and verapamil
2 common platelet aggregation inhibitors
What are ASA and Clopidogrel
These dihydropyridine drugs relax arteriolar smooth muscle
What are amlodipine and nifedipine
Which beta blockers work on beta 1 and 2?
Timolol and Propanolol
Nitroglycerine is contraindicated for patiens with these symptoms