What is lung?
What is above, above normal, excessive?
What is the epicardium?
The valve preventing back flow to the right ventricles as it is pushed to the pulmonary artery?
What is the pulmonary valve?
What is the chamber on the bottom right?
What is the right ventricle
Condition of higher than normal blood pressure
What is hypertension?
The pressure exerted by the blood on the wall of an artery
What is blood pressure?
What is beats per minute?
What is aorta?
What is slow?
The fibrous sac surrounding the heart
What is the pericardium?
The valve preventing back flow to the right atria as blood is pushed to the right ventricle
What is the tricuspid valve?
The largest artery in the body?
What is the aorta
Abnormal whooshing sound created by a valve not completely closing?
A machine that continuously records cardiac rhythms
What is a Holter monitor?
What is congestive heart failure?
What is heart?
What is against?
The innermost layer that lines the four chambers of the heart
What is the endocardium?
The valve preventing back flow to the left ventricle as blood is pushed into the aorta
What is the aortic valve?
The large vessels that return the blood to the heart
What is the superior and inferior vena cava?
A blood clot that forms on the wall of a vessel and stays attached
What is a thrombus?
Process of listening to the internal sounds of the body using a stethoscope
What is auscultation?
What is myocardial infarction?
What is pulse?
What is reflected sound?
The thickest layers, making up the middle of the heart
What is the myocardium?
The valve preventing back flow to the left atria has blood is pushed into the left ventricle
What is the bicuspid valve?
The vessel carries the blood from the heart to the lungs
What is the pulmonary artery?
Inflammation of the inner layer of the heart muscle
What is endocarditis?
A diagnostic method that uses ultrasound to visualize internal heart structures
What is echocardiogram?
What is coronary artery bypass graft
What is vein?
What is fast?
The space between the pericardium and the epicardium?
What is the pericardial cavity?
Divides the heart into the right and left heart
What is the septum?
The vessel that carries blood from the lungs back to the heart
What is the pulmonary vein?
Inflammation of a vein caused by the formation of a clot
What is thrombophlebitis?
Passage of a tiny plastic sheath into the heart through a blood vessel
What is cardiac catheterization?
What is percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty?