Name of the great vessels that supply blood to the right atrium
Superior and inferior vena cava
How the myocardium receives its blood supply?
Through the coronary arteries.
Put in order the route of conduction through the heart using the following: Bundle of His, SA node, Purkinje fibers, left and right bundle branches, AV node
SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
Arteries - what they do in the CV system
Carry blood away from the heart
The artery that is used to check for a pulse in CPR.
Carotid Artery
Name of the valve that controls the flow of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle
Mitral valve
The coronary sinus function
Collects deoxygenated blood from the myocardium and delivers it to the right atrium through the Pulmonary
The function of the chordae tendineae
Prevent the AV valves from prolapsing back into the atria during ventricular contraction, ensuring proper blood flow from the atria to the ventricles; Anchor the valve leaflets to the papillary muscles within the ventricle, preventing backflow of blood
The reason blood constantly circulates
The beating of the heart.
GROUP RESPONSE - Each group write responses on a whiteboard
Risk factors for Coronary Artery Disease - the group with the most factors wins the points - if a tie, both teams get the points
The portion of the heart wall that lines the heart's chambers
Symptoms of a Heart Attack?
Chest pain, an elephant sitting on the chest, pain down the right arm and/or up the neck.
Ventricular repolarization
The resting state of the heart.
Simple squamous epithelium
The innermost layer of the blood vessel also called the endothelium
The part of the brain that regulates BP and heart rate.
The medulla oblongata
The point of maximum impulse is... Show where this is
The apex of the heart
Fifth intercostal space at the left midclavicular line.
What happens to the heart muscle when a coronary artery is blocked.
The heart muscle supplied by that artery becomes deprived of oxygen-rich blood, leading to damage and potential death of the muscle cells called a heart attack or myocardial infarction
The hearts primary pacemaker
SA Node
The purpose of the valves in the veins.
To prevent backflow of blood.
The parasympathetic nervous system sends messages to the heart via the Vagus nerve
To slow the heart rate.
Carries oxygenated blood to the heart
What is the Pulmonary vein?
Can be called the Widowmaker
An informal term for a heart attack that involves 100 percent blockage in the left anterior descending (LAD) artery
On an EKG, the QRS complex represents
Ventricular depolarization
Veins are called capacitance vessels because they have the capacity to
stretch, giving them a great capacity for storing blood
The cardiac cycle is
The series of coordinated events that occur during one heartbeat. It involves the contraction and relaxation of the heart's chambers (atria and ventricles) to pump blood throughout the body.