Go to label 1 on model
What is Right Ventricle
What is Blood Clot
Where does blood FIRST enter the heart?
What is Superior Vena Cava, Inferior Vena Cava
Coronary Stent?
What is a supportive device used to prevent the artery from closing after angioplasty or atherectomy.
What is Inflammation of the Muscle of the Heart
Go to label 2 on model
What is Aorta
What is Vein(s)
What does blood go through after the Right Atrium?
What is Tricuspid Valve
Catheter Ablation?
What is a procedure where abnormal cells that trigger abnormal heart rhythms are destroyed by a heated or cold device.
Condition of a Rapid Heart (Heart rate above 100)
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What is Superior Vena Cava
What is Lymph Node
What brings blood to away from the heart?
What is Arteries
Femoropopliteal Bypass?
What is a surgery performed to create another route from the femoral artery to the popliteal artery to bypass an obstruction.
What is excision within the artery
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What is Pulmonary Veins
What is Yellowish, Fatty Plaque
What brings blood to the lungs?
What is Pulmonary Artery
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty?
What is a procedure where a balloon is placed in a coronary artery to the area where a plaque had formed.
What is Deficiency in Blood
Go to label 5 on model
What is Aortic Valve
What is Deficiency, Blockage
What brings blood from the Right Ventricle to the Left Atrium?
What is Aorta
Rheumatic Heart Disease?
What is damage to the heart muscle or heart valves caused by one or more episodes of rheumatic fever.
What is Surgical Repair of a Blood Vessel