Non- Weight Bearing Cardiovascular Machines
Weight Bearing Cardiovascular Machines
Walking/ Running Techniques
Swimming Techniques
Safe Participation
What is the name of the cardiovascular machine described? Begun in a seated position with an upright back and slight forward lean and the arms straight in front of the body. The hips and knees are flexed and a forceful backward drive is applied by extending the hips and legs. At that same moment, the arms are pulling a handle toward the abdomen.
Rowing Machine
When using this weight bearing machine it is recommended that the client is facing forward and not outward due to possible stress being placed on the lower back. An advantage of these machines is they reduce knee stress because the downward leg is assisted by a moving step. However a disadvantage there is no variation in step height. What type of machine is this?
Stair Climber
True/ False When walking or running, the proper foot strike is from toe to heel.
False. Heel- to- toe ball rolling action
True/ False. Swimming is a low impact aerobic sport.
This makes up 60% of body mass and 2- 3.8 liters can be lost each hour during intense exercise. It is recommended that 5- 7ml of this fluid per Kg of body weight should be consumed before exercise.
True or False. When adjusting the seat height on a stationary bike, a slight bend should be allowed in the knee joint at the bottom pedal stroke and the seat should be approximately at midhip level when the client is standing next to the bicycle.
When using a treadmill, clients should be instructed to hold the handrails of a treadmill while getting started and eventually move to let go of the handrails and swing their arms in a natural walking motion. Where should the client stand on a treadmill to reduce their risk of falling?
Toward the front of the treadmill and in the center of the belt
What two factors increase walking speed?
Stride frequency and stride length
Name two out of four competitive swimming strokes.
Front stroke, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly
Warm- ups and cool downs during cardiovascular exercise are necessary to help the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems adjust properly and serve as an injury prevention mechanism. How long should a typical warm- up and cool- down last?
5- 15 minutes
When pedaling on a stationary bike, in what direction is most of the force applied and what are the primary muscles which generate most of the overall power needed to complete a rotation?
Force is applied in a forward and downward direction. The quadriceps femoris and gluteal muscles are primarily utilized.
Name three primary muscles used while on a stair climber.
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, erector spinae, gastrocnemius, soleus
When should a running shoe be replaced?
After 300- 500 miles of use or every 6 months
In the front stroke, the arm stroke contains three phases: 1. entry/ catch phase, 2. power phase, 3. recovery phase. True or False. The arm stroke provides 50% to 60% of the propulsion force needed to move the body through the water.
80%- 90%
The guidelines for frequency and Intensity of cardiovascular exercise are as follows: Frequency: 2-5 times per week Intensity: 50%- 80% of heart rate reserve What is the recommended time of duration during each exercise session?
20-60 minutes
True/ False. The handlebar on an indoor cycling bike should be set level to the tip of the saddle (bike seat) with the angle between the torso and the upper arm at approximately 90 degrees
Treadmill running at a set speed uses less energy than running outdoors due to the lack of air resistance. What is the percent incline on the treadmill that will offset this difference?
To utilize proper running form an individual should keep the head upright, the shoulders relaxed, elbows bent, and torso balanced over the hips. (“run tall”). The foot should not be forcefully impacting the ground and clients should move in a “gliding” motion. A client’s stride depends upon leg length, flexibility and coordination. What are the negative effects of overstriding and understriding during running?
During overstriding, too much time is spent in the air and the foot hits too far in front of the body’s center of gravity. This causes greater shock and impact. A “braking” effect will occur. Understriding is taking too short of a stride, causing energy to be wasted since it prevents the body from moving far enough forward. Improving strength and range of motion will improve understriding.
True/ False. Proper breathing technique in swimming involves lifting the head out of the water
False. This would cause the hips to sink. Instead the head should stay level with the water and is rotated to the side.
Explain proper breathing technique for cardiovascular exercise.
Breathing should be relaxed and regular. Breathing should happen through both the nose and mouth. Clients should be able to carry on a casual conversation during exercise.
What is the difference between an upright bike, semirecumbent bike and a group exercise bike?
A semirecumbent bike provides back support and wider seats. Heart rate, oxygen consumption rate, and rating of perceived exertion are typically lower. An upright bike has no back support and higher handle bars. Group exercise bike allows seat and handlebars to be adjusted.
Elliptical trainers combine the motion of stair climbing with walking or running. A major advantage of an elliptical is they are very low impact do to the upper body assisting in the movement. They also allow pedaling in both the forward and backward direction. Explain the proper body alignment and foot placement while on an elliptical?
The entire foot should be in contact with the pedal surface. Head upward, torso balanced over the hips with minimal forward lean, knees should not come over the toes Handrails should be used mainly for balancing purposes
Race walkers improve their performance by trying to maximize their stride length. What are two differences between normal walking and race walking?
1. One foot must be in contact with the ground at all times 2.The support leg must remain straight
The leg kick’s main function during swimming is to provide balance and help keep the body in a horizontal position. During the movement, the foot should remain plantarflexed and the kick should originate from the hips with slight knee extension and flexion. Most swimmers use a two beat kick. What is the difference in the tempo of kicking for a long- distance swimmer versus a high level sprint swimmer?
Long- distance swimmers kick just fast enough to afloat (conserve energy). Sprint- swimmers usually use a six- beat kick and are not concerned about energy conservation.
Proper footwear is necessary for aerobic activity especially weight bearing activities such as walking and running. Footwear needs to provide cushioning, stability, and comfort. However, the type of footwear varies on the point on the foot where each individual directs their weight. What are the three types of foot strikes?
Overpronation, Neutral, and Underpronation