What are the three types of stuttering?
Blocks, prolongations, and repetitions. Bonus points if you can give an example of what it sounds like!
If someone tries hard enough they can stop stuttering. True or False?
False. Stuttering a part of the way people who stutter naturally speak. While there is no known cure, there are many things people who stutter can do to decrease stuttering’s negative impact on their lives and become more effective and confident communicators and advocates.
What is a self disclosure statement?
A self disclosure statement is telling someone that you are someone who stutters. We do not apologize for stuttering, because it is natural. Bonus points if you can tell why a self disclosure statement is important!
Telling a stutterer to slow down or say it again is a good way to help them get through a stutter. True or False?
False. Stuttering is not caused by talking too fast, or by not breathing in deeply enough. Stuttering is part of the way people who stutter talk.
Does stuttering have to start in a family or can you stutter when it does not run in a family?
We only know that stuttering is a biological and neurological condition, not contagious.
Name something that makes someone a good communicator.
Tall body, strong voice, facing the listener, eye contact, body language, facial expression, volume, tone of voice, pitch, etc.
The goal of speech therapy is to make you more fluent and stutter less. True or False?
False, stuttering is a natural part of communication for people who stutter. In speech therapy we work on communicative effectiveness, confidence, and advocacy.
When you stutter your muscles are loose and relaxed. True or false?
False. When someone stutters their muscles tighten and that prevents them from speaking.
If you are a stutterer it will always be a part of your life. True or false?
True. Stuttering is typically life long.