What is the state of TN's Unemployment rate as of April 2024?
What is the Most Common occupation in the State of TN?
Retail Salesperson
This is the largest occupation in TN with over $150,000 people employed in TN.
What is the Average Annual Family Income in TN for a family with One Earner?
As of April 2024 $52,820
How long should it take an Experienced Recruiter to find a Position for a Candidate to Interview for?
2 Weeks
Recruiters work with several candidates, this gives them Ample Time to find a position where they are The Right Person for Seat!
How long does it take, on average, for an individual to create a resume?
Up to 8 hours for a Seasoned Professional to create a resume. Be more selective!
*up to 1 Hour to make corrections for a final draft*
How long is the hiring process from Start to Finish?
3 to 6 weeks:
Factors determining the process length include, position level, # of applicants and experience level.
Name 6 of the TOP 10 Jobs in Nashville, TN that DO NOT Require a College Degree.
1. Commercial Pilots
2. Real Estate Broker
3. Transportation/Distribution/Storage Managers
4. Power Plant Operator
5. Electrical/Electronic Repairers
6. Post Master/Mail Superintendent
7. Explosives Worker/Sound Ordinance Ex/Blaster
8. Gas Plant Operators
9. Electrical Line Installers/Repairers
10. Surgical Assistant
What is the Average Cost of Living per year in TN?
Health Care $6,946
Food/Beverage: $3,016
Fuel/Energy Goods: $1,152
All other Personal Expenditures: $24, 051
On Average, how Quickly will a Recruiter/Hiring Manager decide if you are a Fit for the Company and Position?
15 Minutes!
You have a Brief Window to Present/Sell Yourself!
How long does a Recruiter/Hiring Manager actually look at your Resume?
6 to 8 SECONDS
An Experienced Recruiter will take only a 6 to 8 seconds look at a resume. This will get you to the "interview pile", 6 to 8 seconds!
How long does it take on average to find a New Career?
3 to 6 Months Start to Finish
You ONLY have an 8.3% chance of getting an interview from 1 application. That Means...it could take as many as 10-20 applications to get ONE Interview!
What is one of the Oddest Occupation in the State of TN?
Duck Master:
The FAMOUS Peabody Hotel's has a Delightful Tradition twice a day where the Duck Master gets to lead is Peabody Ducks to enjoy the lobby fountain since 1940.
How much State Income Tax is taken out of each Paycheck in the TN?
TN Does NOT require State Income Tax withholding on earnings.
Name 4 of the 6 Essential Qualities Recruiters/Hiring Managers are Looking for.
High IQ
Track Record/Job History
What is the Standard Length of a Resume?
1 to 2 Pages MAX!
*For recent Grads and Young Professionals with 10 years or less Experience, 1 Page Max!
What Year did TN have it's Highest Unemployment Rate?
During the Great Recession or 2007-2009, TN's unemployment rate reach an All Time High 0f 10.1% in 2009.
What is Minimum Wage in the State of TN?
$7.25 per Hour
TN has not established IT'S OWN State Minimum Wage, so the Federal Rate applies to MOST Employees in the State.
On Average, how much Student Loan Debt do TN State Residence Owe?
As of April 2024 about 862,200 TN State Residence have an average of $36,418 in Student Loan Debt.
*Most are Under the Age of 50
How many rounds of Interviews are Appropriate for the Hiring Process.
3 Interviews:
This is often a Good Balance for Evaluating the Candidate and not causing Interview Fatigue.
How far Back do you go on Your Resume?
10 to 15 Years:
Experts Agree, you Should Only go Back 10 to 15 Yeas Max on Employment History.
What is the MAX Weekly Unemployment Income for 1 week in the State of TN?
$275 a week for 6 Months
List 3 of the 5 highest Occupations in Demand for the State of TN.
Line Installer
Registered Nurse
Web Developer
Physical Therapy Assistant
What is the estimated cost to raise a child in the State of TN until 18 years of age?
As of 2024 the estimate cost is $25,714 to care for 1 child until 18 years of age!!!
On Average, what is the fee for successfully placing a Candidate?
20% to 30% of the Candidate's Annual Salary
What is the Most Common Mistake made on a Resume that Recruiters/Hiring Managers will pass over you for?
Grammatical and Spelling Errors!!!!!!