Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

This term refers to the type of work that a person does for a living and often requires specific skills and training.

What is occupation?


This term refers to the series of jobs or positions that a person holds throughout their working life.

What is a career?


This term refers to the specific abilities, knowledge, and experience that a person possesses that make them qualified for a particular job or career.

What is a skillset?


This term refers to the act of building and maintaining professional relationships with others in one's industry or field.

What is networking?


This term refers to the process of seeking advice and guidance from an experienced professional to help develop one's career.

What is mentorship?


This term refers to the various stages and opportunities that a person may take in their career to reach their ultimate goals.

What is a career path?


This term refers to the current demand and availability of jobs and careers in a particular industry or field.

What is the job market?


This term refers to the ongoing process of improving and enhancing one's professional skills and knowledge.

What is professional development?


This term refers to the specific objectives that a person sets for their career, such as achieving a certain position or level of income.

What are career goals?


This term refers to the skills that a person possesses that can be applied to various jobs and industries.

What are transferable skills?


This term refers to the written document that provides an overview of a person's education, work experience, and skills, typically used when applying for jobs.

What is a resume?


This term refers to the process of meeting with a potential employer to discuss one's qualifications for a job.

What is an interview?


This term refers to the process of actively seeking out and applying for jobs.

What is a job search?


This term refers to the amount of money that a person is paid for their work.

What is salary?


This term refers to the process of moving up the ranks within a company or organization.

What is promotion?


This term refers to the ability to guide and inspire others towards a common goal.

What is leadership?


This term refers to the balance between one's professional and personal life.

What is work-life balance?


This term refers to the values, beliefs, and behaviors that are shared among a group of people within a workplace.

What is workplace culture?


This term refers to the range of differences among people, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, age, and religion.

What is diversity?


This term describes the perks and advantages that employees receive from their employer in addition to their salary or wages.

What are benefits?


This term refers to the practice of working independently rather than being employed by a company or organization.

What is freelancing?


This term describes the process of starting and running a business venture, often involving taking on financial risk in the hopes of making a profit.

What is entrepreneurship?


This term refers to how content and fulfilled an individual feels with their job, and can be influenced by factors such as workplace culture and job duties.

What is job satisfaction?


This term describes the level of protection an individual has against losing their job or income, often through the stability of their employer or industry.

What is job security?


This term refers to the time in an individual's life when they stop working and live off their accumulated savings or pension.

What is retirement?
