College Preparation
Vocational Training
Cost of living index
Service Industries
Goods-Producing Industries

At what age can you start college preparation?

 15-25 years old


What is vocational training?  

Instructional programs or courses that focus on skills for a particular job.


What is the cost of a living index?

The cost of living index are comparing the expenses associated with different cities or regions.


What is a service industry?

A business that does work for a customers and sometimes give you goods


what is a good producing industry?

A business that produces tangible goods.


What is college preparation?

College preparation is getting students ready for college in the future


What is the meaning of the word vocational?

related to a career


why is the cost of living index useful?

For individuals, businesses, and policymakers


How do service industries work?

Service industries involve the provision of intangible products or services rather than tangible goods.


What are some goods producing industries?

 fishing, hunting, mining, construction and manufacturing


what can you benefit from college preparation?

 Higher-income, Better career opportunities and Career Preparation

What is vocational training for?

 It is designed to prepare individuals for specific jobs or careers emphasizing hands-on experience and job-specific training


why does the cost of living index exist?

To gauge the affordability and assist with the annual cost of living adjustments for retirees and social security recipients


How are service industries useful?

Service industries are essential for providing intangible value-added offerings such as expertise, assistance, and experiences contribute significantly to economic growth


What is the meaning of goods-producing industries?

to describe companies and organizations that make products rather than provide services


What is the difference between college and vocational training?

Colleges focus on the academic while trade schools focus on the vocational


What skills do you need for vocational training?

problem-solving skills, good work ethic and attention to detail


How does the cost of living index work?

An index below 100 means the region or area is less expensive to live in than the national average.


what do you get out of a service industry?

A service industry may present you with more opportunities to advance in your career than in other industries


What is the difference between goods-producing industries and service-producing industries?

Goods are tangible as these have a physical presence and can be touched while services are intangible in nature.


how does college preparation affect producers and consumers?

College preparation enhances the skills and knowledge of future producers contributing to a more skilled workforce while also potentially influencing consumers as educated individuals may have increased purchasing power and make informed choices.


how does vocational training affect producers and consumers?

Vocational training enhances the skills of producers increasing their efficiency and product quality while simultaneously benefiting consumers by ensuring a more skilled and qualified workforce leading to improved products and services.


how does the cost of living index affect producers and consumers?

The cost of living index directly impacts both producers and consumers by influencing production costs for businesses and determining the purchasing power and affordability of goods and services for consumers.


how does the service industry affect producers and consumers?

 For producers, services contribute to the value chain through areas like marketing, logistics, and customer service. Consumers benefit from improved product experiences like customer support and diverse service offerings enriching their satisfaction and loyalty.


how do Goods-Producing Industries affect producers and consumers? 

Goods-producing industries contribute to economic growth by creating employment opportunities for producers and offering a variety of products to consumers thus stimulating both supply and demand.  
