Careers that start with P
Photographer, Painter, Pilot, Police Officer, Poet, Psychologist, Plumber, President, Principal, Pediatrician
I babysit children while their parents are at work.
What is a Nanny/ Babysitter
Nurse, Teacher, Tutor, Principal
Yencebo Hint: Arts
Careers include Teacher Aides, Speech Pathologist, Principals, School Psychologist
Careers in the Athletic Field
Coach, Football Player, Basketball Player, Soccer Player, Athletic Trainer, Professor Cheerleader, Referee, Physical Therapist, Track, Swimmer, Tennis Player, Golf Player
I fill in as a teacher in your classroom when your teacher is absent
What is a Substitute Teacher
Dentist, Surgeon, Photographer, Pediatrician
Hamabar Nonllic Hint: Politics
Abraham Lincoln
Careers include Pilots, Truck Drivers, Cab Drivers, School bus drivers, Train Conductors
Careers that start with M
Makeup Artist, Model, Musician, Music Teacher, Minister, Meteorologist, Mechanic, Marine Biologist
I help manage wild animals, and I am responsible for feeding in caring for them in a facility
What is a Zookeeper
FBI Agent, Psychologist, Police Officer, Security Guard
Beab Thur--Hint: Athletics
Babe Ruth Baseball
Careers include Judges, Attorneys, Paralegals, Legal Secretaries
Law/ Legal Careers
Careers in the Arts
Actor, Singer, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Videographer, Director, Producer, Musician, Painter, Artist, Fashion Designer
I help clients and represent them and their legal rights in both criminal and civil cases
What is a Lawyer
Pilot, Truck Driver, Ship Captain, Firefighter
Trelab Neitinse Hint: Science
Albert Einstein--Scientist
Careers include Family Medicine, Surgeon, Pediatrician, Nurse
Doctors/Medical Careers
Name 3 jobs in Education Administration.
Principal, Vice Principal, Superintendent, Supervisors
I help people AFTER an injury or illness be able to move again or do everyday necessities.
(A lot of sports teams have this)
Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist
school, student, books, laptop, phone, study, homework, grades
Roni Nam Hint: superhero
Iron Man
Careers include Veterinarian, Pet Grooming, Zoologist, Marine Biologist
Animal Careers