What does STEM stand for
What is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
The current president
Who is Donald Trump
Most commonly related job to Agriculture
What is farming
What do Architects do
What is designing buildings
The three primary colors
What are red, yellow, blue
First name of the Owasso 8th grade STEM teacher
Who is Tevin
The current vice president
Who is JD Vance
Used to till land for farming
What is a tiller or farming hoe
Safety gear required at a construction site that protects your head
What is hard hat
What education is required to become a painter
What is no education
All STEM jobs are hands on with materials
What is no?
The three main branches of government
What is judicial, legislative, and executive
True or False: Specific biology jobs are part of the agriculture cluster
What is true
Length of time it took to create the wall of china
What is 2,500 years
Brand of the famous retro painting of a soup can?
What is Campbell
The year STEM became an elective in Owasso, Oklahoma
What is 2001
Has the power to declare war
Who/What is congress
Easiest crop to grow
Level of education needed to be a starting level architect
What is a bachelor's degree
Known for the quote, "There are no mistakes, just happy little accidents."
Who is Bob Ross
True or False: Being a carpenter is a STEM job
What is False
The age you have to be to run for president
What is 35 or older
Level of education needed for a low level agriculture job
What is high school diploma
Considered the greatest architectural feat of all
What are The Great Pyramids of Giza
Known for the famous paintings Starry Night and Two Cut Sunflowers
Who is Vincent Van Gogh