Careers that start with P
E.g.; Photographer, Painter, Pilot, Police Officer, Poet, Psychologist, Plumber, President, Principal, Pediatrician
I babysit children while their parents are at work.
What is a Nanny/ Babysitter
Nurse, Teacher, Tutor, Principal
Miss Rueckert
What is a teacher
Careers include Teachers, Speech Pathologist, Principals, School Psychologists
Careers in the Athletic Field
I fill in as a teacher in your classroom when your teacher is absent
What is a Substitute Teacher
Dentist, Surgeon, Photographer, Pediatrician
Joe Biden
What is the president?
Careers include Sports Agents, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapist, NBA, NFL
Sports Careers/ Athletic Careers
Careers that start with M
E.g.; Math Teacher, Makeup Artist, Model, Musician, Music Teacher, Minister, Meteorologist, Mechanic, Marine Biologist
I help manage wild animals, and I am responsible for feeding in caring for them in a facility
What is a Zookeeper
FBI Agent, Psychologist, Police Officer, Security Guard
Bad Bunny
What is a recording artist?
Careers include Judges, Attorneys, Paralegals, Legal Secretaries
Law/ Legal Careers
Careers in the Arts Field
E.g.; Actor, Singer, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Videographer, Director, Producer, Musician, Painter, Artist, Fashion Designer
I help clients and represent them and their legal rights in both criminal and civil cases
What is a Lawyer
Pilot, Truck Driver, Ship Captain, Firefighter
Bill Nye
What is a scientist?
Careers include Family Medicine, Surgeon, Pediatrician, Nurse
Doctors/Medical Careers
Careers that start with a C
E.g.; Coach, Counselor, Chef, Carpenter, Custodian, Chiropractor, Conductor, Cheerleader, Cashier, Comedian, Cadet, Captain, Clerk
I cook food and prepare food in restaurants, and I supervise and oversee other workers in the kitchen.
What is a Chef?
Actor, Custodian, Singer, Dancer
Careers include Veterinarian, Pet Grooming, Zoologist, Marine Biologist
Animal Careers