General Questions/ Concpets
True or False
The Career Development Inventory- measure knowledge about work roles and Value scale Salience Inventor - measure values expectations for work roles *Adult Career Concerns Inventory
Instruments that can be used with Life Span theory
Self Directed Search (SDS), Vocational Preference Inventory(VPI), Career Aptitude and Strategies Inventory(CASI), Environmental Identity Scale (EIS) Position Classification Inventory( PCI)
What is Instruments that are used for Holland's theory
Donald Super's Life Span theory create careers through developmental stages of human development and cannot be studied in isolation from other aspects of a person's life. Self-Concept: Career development is a continuous, life-long process Vocational self-concept develops through physical and mental growth, observations of work, identification with working adults, general environment, and general experiences Individuals implement their self concepts into careers as a means of self-expression Self-concept developmental process is multidimensional Internal and external situational conditions are major determinants of self-concept development
What is Life-span Theory
Six major Roles of the Life Span: 6 Developmental Stages and Tasks: Growth (birth to 15) Development of capacity, attitudes, interests, and needs associated with self-concepts Exploratory (15-24) Choices are narrowed but not finalized Establishment (25-44) Trial and stabilization through work experiences Maintenance (45-64) Continual adjustment process to improve working position and situation Decline (65+) Preretirement considerations, reduced work output, and eventual retirement
Created by Lofquist and Dawin (1969,1991) Reflects the Trait/Factor approach - The continuous and dynamic process by which a worker seeks to achieve and maintain correspondence with work environment. The only theory that deals with performance on the job over a length of time. - Satisfaction & Satisfactoriess - Designed to provide improved rehabilitation to vocationally challenged clients
What is Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment
Helps candidates to get into a career that is suited to their aptitude, personality, interests and skills (Swanson, J.L. 1995).
Career Counselors
The Career Development Inventory- measure knowledge about work roles and Value scale Salience Inventor - measure values expectations for work roles *Adult Career Concerns Inventory
What is: Instruments that can be used with Life Span theory
A psychological theory based on the work of Carl Jung that was adapted by Katharine Briggs in the 1920s. Briggs was an acute observer of people. She was joined by her only child, Isabel Myers in the development of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which was published in 1962.
What is Myers-Briggs Type Theory
Donald Super's Life Span theory create careers through developmental stages of human development and cannot be studied in isolation from other aspects of a person's life. Self-Concept: Career development is a continuous, life-long process Vocational self-concept develops through physical and mental growth, observations of work, identification with working adults, general environment, and general experiences Individuals implement their self concepts into careers as a means of self-expression Self-concept developmental process is multidimensional Internal and external situational conditions are major determinants of self-concept development → Six major Roles of the Life Span
This is false. It should be Donald Super's Life Span theory create careers through developmental stages of human development and cannot be studied in isolation from other aspects of a person's life. Self-Concept: Career development is a continuous, life-long process Vocational self-concept develops through physical and mental growth, observations of work, identification with working adults, general environment, and general experiences Individuals implement their self concepts into careers as a means of self-expression Self-concept developmental process is multidimensional Internal and external situational conditions are major determinants of self-concept development → Life-span Theory.
This person emphasized "Career Rainbow"
Who is: Donald Super
Abilities- General Aptitude Test battery (GATB) Values- Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (MIQ) Personality- Instruments are being developed
What is Instruments used in TWA
Values - Scale Values (SV) and Value Scale(VS) Personality-California Personality Inventory(CPI), 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) Interests-Kuder Career Search (KCS) ,Strong Interest Inventory (SII),California Occupational Preference Survey(COPS) Aptitude-Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT), General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB),
What is Instruments Used in Trait Factor Theory
Krumboltz emphasized the importance of behavior (action) and cognition (Knowing or thinking) in making career decisions • He focused on teaching the client career decision-making techniques and helping them use these techniques effectively in selecting career alternatives and dealing with unexpected events. • He focused on helping the counselor conceptualize issues • Important factors: genetic endowment, environmental conditions and events, learning experiences, and task-approach skills
What is Krumboltz Social Learning Theory
Values - Scale Values (SV) and Value Scale(VS) Personality-California Personality Inventory(CPI), 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) Interests-Kuder Career Search (KCS) ,Strong Interest Inventory (SII),California Occupational Preference Survey(COPS) Aptitude-Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT), General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), → Instruments Used in Trait Factor Theory
Resources published every 2 yrs by the US dept. of Labor contains an index of relevant job information
What is: OOH
There are 16 personality types, which fall into 2 categories - Extroverts and Introverts. The characteristics that make up the types are: I = introvert, E = extrovert, P = perceiving, J = judging, S = sensing, F = feeling, T = thinking, and N = intuitive
What is the 16 types of Myers Briggs Inventory
Created by Lofquist and Dawin (1969,1991) Reflects the Trait/Factor approach - The continuous and dynamic process by which a worker seeks to achieve and maintain correspondence with work environment. The only theory that deals with performance on the job over a length of time. - Satisfaction & Satisfactoriess - Designed to provide improved rehabilitation to vocationally challenged clients
What is Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment
Created by Holland ( 1966,1973,1985,1992,1997) proposes that an individual's career choice is based on his or her personality type . Holland identifies six personality types and proposes that the fit between personality type and occupational environment determines satisfaction and turnover realistic, investigative, social, conventional, enterprising, artistic
What is Holland's Personality Theory
Six major Roles of the Life Span → Abilities- General Aptitude Test battery (GATB) Values- Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (MIQ) Personality- Instruments are being developed
This is false. It should be Six major Roles of the Life Span → 6 Developmental Stages and Tasks: Growth (birth to 15) Development of capacity, attitudes, interests, and needs associated with self-concepts Exploratory (15-24) Choices are narrowed but not finalized Establishment (25-44) Trial and stabilization through work experiences Maintenance (45-64) Continual adjustment process to improve working position and situation Decline (65+) Pre-retirement considerations, reduced work output, and eventual retirement.
This theorist felt job choices fill an unconscious need. It is influenced by genetics, parent-child interaction, and intelligence. Their work draws on Maslow, stating lower order needs are met first in job choice.
Who is Anne Roe
Taken from Bandura; Three ways to translate and share knowledge between existing theories and emerging ones. Agree on a common meaning for conceptually related concepts such as self-concept and self-efficacy. Fully describe and define common outcomes, such as satisfaction and stability, found in a number of theories. Fully explain the relationships among such diverse constructs as interests, self-efficacy, abilities, and needs.
What is The Importance of Social Cognitive Career Theory
1. gaining self undersanding- aptitude, interests, values, personality, achievement 2. obtaining knowledge about the world of work- quality and content of info, classificaiton systems, trait and factor requirements 3. integrating self-understanding with knowldege of the work environment
What is 3 Developmental steps for Trait-Factor theory
Derived from Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1977, 1986) Context influences cognitions, interests, and goals, Self-efficacy beliefs, Outcome expectations, Perceptions of barriers and Perceptions of supports
What is Social Cognitive Career Theory
A psychological theory based on the work of Carl Jung that was adapted by Katharine Briggs in the 1920s. Briggs was an acute observer of people. She was joined by her only child, Isabel Myers in the development of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which was published in 1962. → Career Counseling
This is false. It should be : A psychological theory based on the work of Carl Jung that was adapted by Katharine Briggs in the 1920s. Briggs was an acute observer of people. She was joined by her only child, Isabel Myers in the development of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which was published in 1962. → Myers-Briggs Type Theory.
Considered the father of Vocational Guidance and known for work on Trait and Factor Theory.
Frank Parsons