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I use a stethoscope when I listen to the heart and lungs of my patients. What am I?

What is a doctor. 


I am a doctor. Where do I work?

What is the hospital. 


I take care of your pet when it is sick. What career am I?

What is a veterinarian.


I teach children how to read, write, and do math. Who am I?

What is a teacher.


My job requires me to wear a navy blue collared shirt, navy blue pants, black belt with all my career tools hooked on my belt, and black boots. Sometimes I wear a hat too. What am I?

What is a police.

I use car for a lot of my work. I use it to chase bad guys, drive to a crime scene, or pull people over for bad driving. What am I?
What is a police officer.

I am a farmer. Where do I work?

What is a farm. 


I deliver messages in envelopes and also packages from businesses to doorsteps. What career am I?

What is a mailman. 


I take your temperature at school and you come to me when you do not feel well. Who am I?

What is school nurse.


My job requires me to wear a helmet, shoulder pads, padded pants, and cleats. What am I

What is a professional football player.

I use a drill when working in my patients' mouths. What am I?
What is a dentist.

I am a lifeguard. Where do I work?

What is the swimming pool / beach.


I build houses and businesses all over town! What career am I?

What is a construction worker.


I drive big, long and red truck to get my jobs done. I put out fires and save people from danger. I help with traffic incidents and even save cats from trees. Who am I?


What is a fireman.


My job requires me to wear a lab coat, protective eyewear, and gloves. What am I?

What is a scientist.


I use pots, pans, and stirring utensils while I work. What am I?

What is a chef.

I am a chef. Where do I mainly work?
What is restaurants.

I drive several people in the air to different locations across the world. What am I?

What is a pilot. 


I count money at the bank. I also deposit and withdraw cash for you from your bank account. What career am I?

What is a bank teller.


My job requires me to wear scrubs, slip resistant shoes, a mask, hairnet/covering, and gloves. What am I?

What is a nurse.

What is a doctor. 

What is a surgeon. 

I use a car lift, a tire balancer, oil, and many tools from my tool box. What am I?
What is a mechanic.
I am a jugde. Where do I work?
What is in a court room.

I serve the people of the United States. I will go to war and fight for my country. What career am I?

What is a military soldier. 

I make sure every detail is perfect for the big day. I often have to deal with stressed out bride. What is my job?
What is a wedding planner.

My job requires me to carry a briefcase, wear a suit and tie, have a clean cut hairstyle, and shaven face. What am I?

What is a businessman.
