High School
Getting the Job
On the Job
Types of Careers
21st Century Skills

How many credits do you need to graduate high school?

24 credits

What is a cover letter?
A cover letter is included with your resume to introduce you to the prospective employer. Your cover letter is the place to sell your skills and show your interest in the position. It's a great chance to highlight achievements that would make you an ideal candidate for the job.
True or False: You can get fired for using your phone at work.
True. Some jobs allow you to use your phones more than others. Some jobs will fire you for using your phone at work!
Name 3 Careers in the Arts.
Examples: Actor, News Broadcaster, Writer, Painter, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Fashion Designer, Musician
What is the different between verbal and non-verbal communication?
Verbal communication includes sounds, words, or speaking. Tone of voice, volume, and pitch are all ways to effectively communicate verbally. Nonverbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, body movement, timing, touch, and anything else done without speaking.

Name 3 Options for what a high school student can do after graduation.

College, Trade / Tech School, Military, Enter the workforce, National Community Service (Americorps, City Year)

Name 3 things that are on a resume.
Name Address Phone Number Email Address Work Experience Extracurricular Activities Awards and Honors Volunteer Experience
How many hours a week is a typical full time job?
Acceptable Answers: 35 - 40 hours a week.
Name 3 STEM Careers.
Examples: Computer Programmer, Coder, Network Technician, Telecommunications Equipment Installer and Repairer, Engineer, Chemist, Pharmaceutical Researcher, Statistician, Data Analyst.
What does accountability mean?
Taking responsibility for your own actions and their consequences.

Name 3 CTE programs that are offered

Advanced Manufacturing, Agricultural Science, Automotive Technology, Construction Trades, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Digital Media, Education Occupations, Health Occupations, Welding Technology

Name 3 acceptable items of clothing a woman can wear to a job interview.
Examples: dress, dress shoes, skirt, blazer, pantsuit, blouse, heels.

What is the current minimum wage in Michigan?

$9.87 an hour

Name 3 Careers in Public Service.
Examples: Police, Fire Department, Lawyer, Social Worker, City Councilman, Teacher, Homeland Security, Park Ranger.
What can you do if you don't understand something you are learning in class?
Ask for help! Teachers can help you, or you can find a tutor. Someone in your class may be able to help you as well.
What is GPA and how is it calculated?
GPA is Grade Point Average. Each letter grade is assigned a number of points. Add up all the points from each of your classes, then divide by your total number of classes.
Name 3 acceptable items of clothing a man can wear to a job interview.
Examples: suit, tie, jacket, slacks, dress shoes, briefcase.
What is a no call no show?
When you don't show up for work and don't call to let them know why. This is grounds for firing in most positions!
Name 3 Careers in Business.
Examples: Marketing, Accountant, Public Relations, Management, CEO, Banker, Real Estate, Human Resources.
Name 3 qualities of a leader.
Examples: Focus, Confidence, Public Speaking Skills, Integrity, Creativity, Passion, Innovation, Patience, Open-Mindedness, Persistence.

Name the 2 "trophys" that are traditionally given to the winner of a sports contest between BHS and GHS. 

Girls: Cedar River Cup

Boys: Butch

Name 3 people you can use as a reference for a job.
Examples: teacher, coach, counselor, club leader, supervisor, pastor, counselor.

Michigan recognizes at will employment. What does this mean?

Michigan is considered an at-will employment state, meaning, with a few exceptions, state employers can fire employees for essentially any reason and at any time. Conversely, Michigan’s employees are also able to quit a position at any time, and for just about any reason, though there are a few exceptions.

Name 3 Medical Careers, other than a doctor. (Types of doctors count!)
Examples: Nurse, Anesthesiologist, Cardiologist, Surgeon, Pathologist, Phlebotomist, Physician's Assistant.
Body language can create positive and negative impressions for people. Name two actions that can create a negative impression.
Examples: Crossing arms, not making eye contact, slouching, yawning, fidgeting, looking at phone, not paying attention.