I put out fires and help people who are stuck in things.
A: Firefighter
B:Police Officer
C: Teacher
I help students learn how to read.
B: Principal
C: Bus Driver
D: Book
I take care of sick animals
A: Veterinarian
B: Doctor
C: Nurse
D: Teacher
I bring letters and packages to your house
A: Construction worker
B: Teacher
C: Police Officer
D: Mail carrier/ UPS driver
I paint pictures and make sculptures
A: Artist
B: Football Player
C: Professional Videogamer
I check people to make sure they are healthy and help when they are sick.
A: Pilot
C: Doctor
D: Artist
I assist the teacher and help students in the classroom with their work.
A: Nurse
B: Teacher's associate/assistant.
C: Mechanic
I work at a zoo and take care of the animals
A: Veterinarian
B:Zoo keeper
C: Professional Basketball player
I work at a store. I scan your purchases. You pay me and I give you change
A: Archeologist
B: Cashier
C: Fisherman
I prepare food at a restaurant
A: Mechanic
C: Lifeguard
I protect people from criminals
A: Mechanic
B: Firefighter
C: Police Officer
I am in charge of the school. I make sure the staff are doing their job and students are learning
A: Principal
B: Teacher
C: Engineer
I wash dogs and cut their hair
B: Dog groomer
C: Veterinarian
D: Police officer
I work in a restaurant. I take your order and bring you your food
A: Waiter/waitress
B: Pharmicist
C: Chef
I build things out of wood like a house
B: Carpenter/Construction worker
C: Police Officer
I help doctors with patients. I measure their weight and blood pressure
A: Nurse
B: Teacher
C: Website developer
I drive students to and from school.
A: School Bus Driver
B: Teacher
C: Doctor
D: Actor/Actress
I come to your house, take your dog for a walk and clean up its' messes.
A:Dog walker
B: Construction worker
C: Babysitter
D: Superhero
I shampoo, cut, and style your hair.
A: Chiropractor
C: Beautician/Hair Stylist/Barber
D: Scissors
I fix your sink or leaky water pipe.
A: Mermaid
B: Lifeguard
C: Plumber
I drive a truck that comes when you call 911. I bring people to the hospital.
A: Professional Youtuber
B: Ambulance driver/ EMT
C: Doctor
I make sure the school is clean. I fix things that are broken.
A: Scientist
B: Inventor
C: Custodian/janitor
I am called when there is a wild animal near your house
A: Animal control
B: Doctor
C: Carpenter
D: Zookeeper
I drive people from one place to another.
A: Construction Worker
B: Firefighter
C:Taxi driver, cab, uber
I pick up your garbage and recycling.
A: Sanitation worker/ garbage man/trash collector.
B: Firefighter
C: Police Officer