True or False? If you choose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.
What is a Career Cluster?
A Career Cluster is a large grouping of occupations (jobs) in the same industry or field.
What are career pathways?
Each pathway is broken down into subgroups, containing a group of careers requiring similar academics, skills, and education.
True or False? It is necessary to attend college to be successful in a career.
False. Individuals may join the Armed Services, a trade school, work in an occupation that doesn't require a lot of education, or become entrepreneurs without further education beyond High School or GED.
What are values?
True or False? When choosing a career, you should only consider your interests and talents.
False. You should consider your interests, talents, skills, and values.
How many Career Clusters are there?
Career pathways help you________.
* Help you set goals to reach your career objectives (goals).
* Assist you with matching your capabilities, academic levels, and educational history to match your career interests.
Being ________matters.
True or False? Values are important because they are in line with your career. Without values, you will likely be dissatisfied and unfilled at work.
True or False? An interest inventory survey is an assessment that includes your academics and grades but does not help you with selecting a career path.
False. Interest Inventory Survey is a self-assessment that evaluates students' likes and dislikes on various activities, personal qualities, and school subjects.
What do people working in the same career cluster usually have in common?
1. Related likes for certain activities.
2. They have similar personalities.
3. They have similar interests.
Is it likely or unlikely one career matches all four factors: interests, talents, skills, and values?
It is possible. However, it could also be unlikely that one career checks the boxes for everything you like.
Describe the difference between talents and skills?
Talents are something that you are naturally good at, such as athletics.
Skills are something you are good at doing because you learned how to do them.