Holland's Code

What is a career classification system that categorizes occupations into six different personality types based on an individual’s interests and personality traits?

What is Holland's codes


I can put myself in the best position possible for my future career by taking classes that align with my career goals, such as taking math and science courses every year if I want to become a nurse.

True! Choosing courses related to your career interests helps build relevant skills and knowledge!


This Holland code represents individuals who are sociable, empathetic, and enjoy helping others.

What is Social


I can learn more about careers by researching online and asking my teachers questions about careers. (T or F)

True! Online resources and teachers are great resources to learn more about different career pathways.


An individual who enjoys being creative is likely to have which Holland code?

What is Artistic


It's okay to explore multiple career options before making a decision. (T or F)

True! It is perfectly okay to explore different career pathways to find what fits you best!


You must pick a career that falls under your Holland code. (True or False)

False! While your Holland code can help you explore career options that align with your interests, it doesn't mean you are limited to only those careers.


Choosing elective courses that align with my career interests can provide valuable insight and skills applicable to my future career.

True! Elective courses related to your career interests offer opportunities to explore and develop skills that are relavent to your career interest


This Holland code represents individuals who are persuasive and influential.

What is Enterprising


Identifying and utilizing my strengths can help me excel in my chosen career field.

True! Understanding and utilizing strengths enhances self-awareness and can enable selecting a career path that aligns effectively with natural abilities and personal preferences!
