Helping Professions
Computer Network Architect, Game Developer, Computer Hardware Engineer, IT Operations Analyst. Network Designer, Game Artist.
What are some career options for people who love computer science?
A Zoologist. Zoology (occasionally also spelled zoölogy, is the branch of biology that focuses on the structure, function, behavior, and evolution of animals.) Anatomy, Cytology, Entomology, Histology, Invertebrate Zoology, Ornithology, Ichthyology, Herpetology, Vertebrate Zoologist. They make between 70.000 and 100.000 dollars a year
Who researches animals in the wild or in captivity? What do they study? How much money do they make?
International Lawyer, Inmigration Lawyer, Victims Advocate, Mediation worker, Community Organizer.
What are possible careers for people who want to create social justice?
Computer Science (is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems) Computer Computations, Computer Data Bases Computer Graphics, Computer Hardware, Simulations Systems Analysis, Software Development, Networking
What is Computer Science and what do they study?
Hydrologist, Environmental Manager, Astronomer, Storm Tracker, Marine Ecologist, Climatologist, Geneticist, Volcanologist, Geophysicist, Botanicist, Plant Ecologist, etc
What are some career options for people who love science?
They create, design and programme software with infinite applications.
What do computer programmers do?
Study the life of sea animals and spend time watching and protecting endangered species. They make between 70.000 to 100.000 a year.
What does a Marine Biologist do and how much money do they make a year?
Medicine and Health Sciences study the human body. Audiology, Dentistry, Dermatology, Forensic Medicine, Medicine, Nutrition, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Speech Therapy
What are medicine and health sciences and what do they study?
Construction worker, doctor, nurse, bus driver, postal service delivery, teacher, social worker, therapist, police officer, fireman.
What are community careers that kids love?
Scientists are people study things and try to figure out patterns or rules to explain how they work. Scientists might study things like the ocean and its creatures, volcanoes, or machines. They try to identify scientific laws or processes that can be observed over and over and then explain why the process or law happens. Scientists use these laws to make predictions as what will happen. One example of this is the law of gravity. This law explains how people and things stay on the surface of earth instead of floating away into outer space
What does a Scientist do?
Create and program a network and assist staff in problem-solve computer issues. They make between 70.000 / 100.000 dollars a year.
What does an Information Technology Manager do and how much money do they make a year?
Park Naturalists, Park Rangers, Habitat Specialists. They make between 50.000 and 100.000 a year.
Which careers educate people about the natural world? How much money do they make a year?
Environmental Sciences (is an interdisciplinary field that involves both the physical sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, geology, geography, resource technology and engineering) and the social sciences (resource management and conservation, demography, economics, politics and ethics). It encompasses the surrounding conditions that affect man and other organisms. Natural and human resources are interdependent and the use or misuse of one affects the other.) They study Biodiversity, Endangered Species, Global Warming, Impact Studies Mathematical Modeling, Pollution, Soil Contamination, Waste Disposal
What do people that want to help with the environment choose to study?
It means that you love what you do. It means that you are proud of yourself for what you give to the world when you are working. It means that you love you profession and wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
What does it mean to feel passion about what you do with your life?
Earth and Space Sciences (also known as geoscience - is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth) : Astronomy Astrophysics, Geography,Geology, Geophysics, Mineralogy, Oceanography, Paleontology, Seismology
What Are Branches of Science that study Earth and Space?
They create and design objects that are manufactured using industrial processes. They design cars, electronic devices, furniture, tools, toys, etc.
What does an Industrial Designer do? What kinds of things do they design?
Wildlife Rehabilitator, Veterinarian. Veterinary Technitian, Veterinary Assistant, Aquarist, Veterinary Radiologist, Pet Groomer, Animal Shelter Worker, Animal Caretaker, Dog Show Trainer, Animal Trainer.
What are some career options for someone who loves to spend time with animals?
Botany (plant science, phytology, or plant biology is a branch of biology and is the scientific study of plant life and development.) Agriculture, Agronomy, Algology, Anatomy, Horticulture Forestry, Mycology, Pathology, Physiology, Taxonomy
What do people that want to protect our forests and plants do? What do they study?
It's a choice that you make on how you are going to live your work related life. Choosing a career that makes you feel useful and happy about yourself and what you contribute to the world and the lives of others.
What is a career choice?
Behavioral and Social Sciences (study of systematic processes of behavior) Animal Behavior, Anthropology Archeology, Economics Education Ethnology Linguistics Psychology Sociology
What are the branches of science that study Behavior and social science?
Engineering is the application of scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge in order to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes. Some career options for engineers are: Electrical Engineering, aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, nuclear engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, etc
What does engineering mean? What kinds of engineering careers people follow?
You have to earn a Masters Degree to become a veterinarian. It takes about 6 years of study. There are short term options such as : Vet Assistant, Vet Nurse, Vet Techician.
How long do you have to study to be a veterinarian? Are there any other short term careers in veterinary?
It's what you do to earn money.
What is an occupation?
Chemistry (the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them. Get facts for the elements in the periodic table), Biochemistry (is the study of the chemical processes in living organisms. It deals with the structure and function of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules.) Chemistry studiesFuels, Inorganic Chemistry Materials, Metallurgy, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, BioChemistry studies Endocrinology, Cytology, Genetics, Hematology, Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Photosynthesis
What is the difference between chemistry and bio chemistry? What do they study?