High School
Career Clusters
Lifelong Learning
If you want to enter the medical field, what class would be most helpful in high school? A. Animal Science B. Foods I C. Allied Health Science D. Marketing
C. Allied Health Science
Every postsecondary educational institution requires what? A. A letter of recommendation B. AP courses C. An application D. ACT scores
C. an application
What can a receiver do to let the speaker know that the message has been received? A. Make eye contact B. Refuse to make eye contact C. Repeat the message D. Go to sleep
C. Repeat the message
Which is NOT part of networking? A. Create a contact list first B. Have a diverse group C. Update the group D. Talk to multiple people in the same conversation
D. Talk to multiple people in the same conversation
Completing an internship is what type of learning? A. Formal B. Mandatory C. Socialization D. Work-based
D. work-based
Getting work certifications in high school is helpful because...? A. It gives you an advantage when applying for jobs B. It's always free C. You can get any job at 14 D. It's unnecessary
A. It gives you an advantage when applying for jobs
You can always receive a bachelor's degree from what institution? A. Colleges/universities B. Community colleges C. High schools D. Technical schools
A. Colleges/universities
Picking a job that your country excels at is having good knowledge of what economy? A. Local B. State C. National D. Global
C. National
Social workers belong to which career cluster? A. Hospitality & Tourism B. Human Services C. Manufacturing D. Business, Management & Administration
B. Human Services
Which applies to military training? A. It costs extra B. It is mandatory for all citizens C. It is provided on the jobs & at special schools D. It is voluntary
C. It is provided on the jobs & at special schools
What are college-level classes you take in high school so you don't have to take them in college? A. AP/IB courses B. ESL courses C. Honors courses D. Ms. Daniel's courses
A. AP/IB courses
Getting course credit for work experience is called what? A. Job shadowing B. an internship C. Part-time job D. class
B. an internship
If you promised your mom you would watch your brother but there is also a football game you want to go to, you must figure out how to do both. What skill is required? A. Problem-solving B. Decision-making C. Logic D. Reason
A. Problem-solving
What is the benefit of having career clusters? A. You are locked into a career choice B. You have to pursue the job you are apt for C. You must stay in one cluster D. You can explore a lot of jobs with similar skills
D. You can explore a lot of jobs with similar skills
Taking a Career Management field trip to Raleigh and writing a paper about what you learned is what type of learning? A. Formal B. Informal C. Lifelong D. Mandatory
A. Formal
Which of the following is NOT a North Carolina high school diploma requirement? A. 2 foreign language credits B. 3 science classes C. 4 English credits D. 1 health class
A. 2 foreign language credits
Are community colleges in North Carolina hard to get into? A. Yes, they are elite B. No, they have open-admissions C. Yes, you must have lived in NC for 14 years D. No, you don't even have to apply
B. No, they have open-admissions
Knowing that you must not liter is learned through what? A. Formal learning B. Informal learning C. Socialization D. In the classroom
C. Socialization
What career is in the Agriculture career cluster? A. Forester B. Teacher C. Bank teller D. Designer
A. Forester
What is one study tip EVERYONE can use? A. Study with a group B. Study alone C. Study for 1 hour every night D. Study based on your learning style
D. Study based on your learning style
Where is the best place to get scholarship information? A. Counseling offices B. Your favorite teacher C. From the college D. The principal
A. Counseling offices
Meeting after school with a common purpose is what? A. Classwork B. A job C. A sport D. A club
D. A club
Watching a movie about Iran and learning about Muslim culture is an example of what type of learning? A. Self-directed B. Incidental C. Socialization D. Formal
B. Incidental
If you want to run your own photography company what course would help? A. Art B. Biology C. Foods I D. Entrepreneurship
D. Entrepreneurship
Higher education levels are associated with what? A. increased success B. increased earning potential C. decreased motivation D. decreased earning potential
B. increased earning potential