What is a program of study?
Programs of study are course sequences that prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in their chosen career.
Define career.
An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life with opportunities for promotion.
What is a career pathway?
A collection of programs and services intended to develop student's core academic, technical and employability skills, and provide them with education
What is a career cluster?
A group of careers that share common features.
What are the 6 Interest Profiles?
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Conventional, Enterprising, Social
What is the definition of vocational?
A course or program that teaches a specific job skill.
What do you receive at graduation for completing a pathway?
A chord.
Which career cluster would an Interior Designer be under?
Architecture and Construction
How many career clusters are there in Utah?
Define Aptitude
A natural ability or potential for learning new skills
What is post secondary?
After High School
What is an entrepreneur?
A person who organizes and runs their own business.
If you keep up your GPA, what do you receive at graduation?
Which of these is NOT a Business, Finance and Marketing Pathway?
- Accounting and Finance
- Marketing
- Information Technology Systems
- Business Administration
Information Technology Systems
What is an associate's degree?
A certificate of completion awarded to a person after completing a program of study (usually lasting 2 years).
What is a prerequisite?
A course that is required before another course can be taken.
What are ethics?
The rules of behavior that govern a group or society.
True or false: When in school, you can study multiple pathways.
Which of these is NOT a career cluster?
- Manufacturing
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Education and Training
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
What are the counselor's last names and what letters of the alphabet do they work with?
Gledhill A-K
LeBeau L-Z
In what order do these items go?
Clusters, careers, pathways.
Clusters, Pathways, Careers
What is minimum wage in Utah?
$7.25 / Hour
Name the 4 clusters that have only one pathway at Uintah High School ?
Education and Training
Engineering and Technology
Health Science
Human Services
Which career cluster has the most pathways at Uintah High School ?
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
What is Mrs. Colin's childrens' names?
Ikhaya and Mackenzie