Career Terminology
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Life in Leth Vegas
Glampus Campus
Kodiaks Country

Work experience, skills and education are just a few of things you will find on this formatted document that represents your professional and academic accomplishments.

What is a resume


These experiential education experiences allow for a hands-on approach to formally integrate a student’s academic studies within a workplace setting. 

What is Work Integrated Learning


Being the longest railway structure in Canada, this bridge is also named after a town in Northern Alberta.

What is the High Level Bridge?


Chirp Chirp! This world famous and popular sport was added to the Intramural repertoire due to popular demand last year.

What is cricket? 


Valorant, Rocket League and League of Legends, oh my! This sport team has only been part of the Kodiaks Athletics for two years and utilizes computers and screens, instead of pitches, courts or tracks.

What is esports?


A long-form letter explaining to an employer why your skills, education, experience and more, make you the best fit for a role.

What is a cover letter


From game staff to culinary services, farm assistants to peer tutors, and everything in between, you can ______ on-campus through your time at Lethbridge Polytechnic. 

What is "work?"


Who’s on first? This prairie collegiate baseball program is open to students at EITHER Lethbridge College or the U of L. 

What is PBA (Prairie Baseball Academy)


Something seems fishy here! This species of freshwater fish is currently the research focus of our Aquaponics Centre

What is Tilapia


The new Kodiaks Indigenous jersey features a Pendleton pattern, icons of the Star People, the Aikowania bear logo and this traditional Blackfoot greeting meaning "hello." 

What is "oki"


This work placement, primarily in the healthcare field, involves supervision by a registered or licensed professional in any discipline that requires practice-based work experience for licensing or certification.  

What is a clinical placement


Be ready! This supportive program provides a structure for academic success, student support services information, career development, creating a sense of belonging and financial funding. 

What is Ready to Connect


Without a canary in sight, William Lethbridge, the town’s namesake was the president of what kind of company?

What is Coal Mining (Northwestern Coal and Navigation Company)


Cougars and eagles and bears, oh my! This collection of over 100 specimens is one of Canada’s largest full-body taxidermy collections.

What is the Hubbard Collection


This women's sports team finished the regular season first in the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) south division and tying the college’s best season record of 11-1. 

What is soccer OR futsal?


The process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social relationships. You can use the platform Linked In to manage these relationships. 

What is networking


Assisting with the transition into college through orientation programming and out to the working world through career services, this coordinator is here to help you with all things working world.

What is Student Development


Ehhh! Picasso! These painted beauties are lovely little hard shelled regulars at the Elizabeth Hall Wetlands.

What are Albertan Painted Turtles? 


The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! This specialty learning area was once officially used in Fort McLeod, but shipped down the road for us to train in.

What is the court room? 


Big, brown and boisterous, the only bear you'd cuddle and survive. This is the name our of esteemed Kodiak mascot.

Who is Kodi?
