About Career Services
What We Offer
Helpful Info

The place to go if you are second guessing your major or are interested in pursuing a new career direction?

What is Career Services?


The series of workshops that will help students prepare for their future job searches and professional success that cover topics including Resume Writing, Interviewing, LinkedIn and more are called this?

What is the Raven Ready Workshop Series?


Regardless of major, students can prepare for careers by gaining these skills desired by employers.

What are soft skills?


This is where Career Services is located.

What is Good Counsel Hall?


I can meet with Career Services staff in-person or via Zoom for private career counseling on... 

Career Exploration, Resume Writing, Interviewing Coaching, LinkedIn and more


These are the skills related to a particular field and require specific knowledge in order for them to be gained. 

What are hard skills?


You can schedule an appointment with Career Services by doing this.

What is walk-in, Calendly appointments, iWay, email or phone call?


What is one way Career Services works to connect students with employers?

What are Career/Job Fairs and Information Sessions/Lunch & Learns? Also, acceptable: On-Campus Interviews, Career Panels, Information Tables, Classroom Presentations and Mock Interview Day.


These are the competencies that NACE (the National Association of Colleges and Employers) indicate are critical for young professionals entering the workforce.

What are career readiness competencies?


This is where students can find information about Career Services online.

What is iWay, LinkedIn & Instagram?

LinkedIn - Rosemont College Career Services

Instagram - @rosemontcareerservices


This is an easy way to meet the Career Services staff and get a QUICK answer to a question you may have. 

What is Careers & Coffee and walk-in appointments?


This is a Career Services guide that provides a career development checklist for each year of your academic career. 

What is the 4 Year Career Plan?


This is where I go for educational and lifestyle counseling?

What is SASC and/or The Counseling Center?


I can go here to learn about my internship requirements.

What is the course catalog & my major advisor?


Soft skills are personal habits and traits that shape how you work individually & with others.  I can develop soft skills by doing these on campus activities.

Join Club/Organizations, Athletic teams, Work-study positions, Interactions with faculty, staff, & peers.
