I should ask this person to approve things I create.
Who is Matt?
Where I alert the team of a schedule change.
What is Schedule Changes channel on slack?
The place where students ask for direction when they need help with MyGate. (floor #)
What is the third floor?
The event on April 2 that requires advance registration.
What is Etiquette Dinner?
What is 3?
I should alert this person if I need to change my schedule.
Who is Kassia?
I should go here for any resource before I ask someone to send it to me.
What is the Hdrive?
After taking decorations down I take them here.
What is the display case closet?
The event on April 9.
The color we recommend to wear to a job interview.
What is neutral?
I have a student who has questions about applying for a government job. This is the person I should go to.
Who is Amanda?
First step in logging a presentation into Handshake.
What is Handshake Events tab?
I want to show my coworkers my awesome food here.
What is the #yumyums channel?
The appointment I make when a student is looking for internship experience.
What is internship counseling?
The system we warn students about when it comes to resumes and photos.
What is ATS?
An employer calls and asks about Career Fair registration. I should transfer to this person after making sure I don't have the info to give.
Who is Katie?
What is the To Be Approved folder in Canva?
The buildings I need to get a stamp to hang a flyer.
What is Waterfield, Curris, Faculty?
The assessment we can direct students to when they are having a mid college crisis.
What is Focus 2?
After an interview.
When should you email that evening and send a thank you note within 24 hours?
I should talk to this person if I have questions or want to help with the Escape Room event on Feb 26.
Who is Tara?
What is the Murray State Career Services logo?
The thing that I have to tell 10000000s of students to push.
What is the door handle?
The minimum thing I can do to make a photo look good if I don't know what I'm doing in PhotoScape.
What is "straighten, crop, brightness, or white eye?"
Where I can refer a student to in our Career Handbook to see resume examples.
What is pages 14-24?