Interpersonal Skills
Choosing A Career Path
Investing in Education
Getting a Job
Succeeding on the Job
If you have a disagreement with a someone, don't lash out or avoid that person. Instead, work to resolve the problem. Negotiation skills can help prevent conflicts from occurring.
What is conflict resolution skills.
What does a career path enable you to do?
What is set goals, chart a path, stay on that path.
What advantages do education and training bring?
They make it easier for people to weather changes in the labor market and bring greater career opportunities.
What information is included on a resume?
Details about education, experience and accomplishments, special qualifications, references.
Identify four kinds of interpersonal skills that are valued in the workplace?
Communication skills, conflict resolution skills, teamwork skills, and tolerance.
includes reorganizing and working toward organizational goals, fulfilling your obligations, and helping to ensure that your talents and skills mesh with those of others.
What is teamwork skills
Why is it essential to build flexibility into a career plan?
What is because circumstances may change or priorities and interests may change.
How do an employer and a student benefit from an internship?
Employer gains a temporary worker, student gains work experience and a chance to observe a business or industry firsthand.
How does networking help you find a job lead?
You may hear of an opening if you tell everyone you know that you are job hunting.
Identify three types of resources that workers need to manage?
Time, money, people.
become comfortable interacting with people who are different from you.
What is tolerance
How has the strategy of outsourcing changed the workplace?
It has eliminated some jobs within companies but created opportunities for small businesses and self-employed people.
How do distance education programs work?
They use methods such as the internet, videotape, and print materials to teach students who cannot attend traditional classes.
What is the function of employment agencies?
To help people find jobs by matching applicants' qualifications with those needed by employers with job openings.
Give examples of ways you might gain leadership experience in the workplace?
Volunteer for a committee, organize a special event, take a leadership role in a professional organization, become a union officer, become a mentor.
being a good listener shows respect for coworkers and allows you to analyze customer needs and wants. To present ideas clearly, improve your speakers and writing skills.
What is communication skills
What personal qualities do you need to examine when making a career path?
Interests, personality, aptitudes, abilities.
When choosing a school, why is it important to choose one that is accredited?
Because that means it is officially recognized as maintaining standards that will qualify you for additional education or work in your chosen profession.
What is a cover letter?
A short letter of introduction that highlights your qualifications for a job.
How can you show courtesy and respect on the job?
Return phone calls and emails promptly, give others a chance to talk at meetings, control your emotions, avoid distracting others.
As the impact of technology is felt in every sphere of life, workers will need to develop their _________ skills and update them on a regular basis.
What is technical skills
What resources can you use when researching career fields?
School guidance office, books, business and professional magazines, online job banks and databases, people already working in the field.
Identify three special programs that encourage families to save for education beyond the high school.
Coverdell Education Savings Plan, prepaid tuition plans, 529 plans.
Summarize the things you can do to prepare for a job interview?
Review your resume, identify weak areas and prepare explanations, find out about the company, list questions you might want to ask, rehearse.
What is an experienced coworker who acts as a guide or informal teacher for new employees.
What is a mentor.