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Ms. Jasmine Facts

A two-year degree that prepares students for either a particular career or for additional schooling.

What is an associate's degree?

A document that applicants for a job or a school create that lists their accomplishments, certifications, schooling, and work and service history. 

What is a resumé?


A college or university that gets a large portion of its funding from the government; these schools tend to be more affordable and larger than schools that get their funding from grants and tuition.

What is a public school?

What many colleges and universities call clubs.

What are (student) org(anization)s?


This is Ms. Jasmine's favorite color.

What is hot pink?


A (usually) four-year, undergraduate college degree.

What is a bachelor's degree?

A document that applicants for a job or a school write detailing their goals, strengths, and experiences. Strong applicants will rewrite this every time they apply to a different institution.

What is a cover letter?


A type of college or university that gets its funding mostly from grants, donations, and tuition; these schools tend to be small, more expensive, and may be very selective in their admissions.   

What is a private school?


A type of sports league organized at a college or university where students play against their peers rather than students from other schools.

What are intramural sports?


This is Ms. Jasmine's favorite pizza topping.

What is pineapple?


A type of graduate degree that can usually be completed in 2 years; it allows students to build skills and knowledge in a very specific field.

What is a master's degree?


A professional at a university or college that can help you plan your class schedule and help you graduate. 

What is an academic advisor?


A type of two-year school whose purpose is to train students in specific fields as well as provide general education to students who may later transfer to a 4-year school.

What is a community college?

What you might seek out if you want to network with people outside of your school.

What are community groups?

What Ms. Jasmine majored in at college.

What is Religious Studies?


This is an advanced degree awarded after many years of schooling beyond a bachelor's degree; its abbreviation means doctor of philosophy.

What is a PhD?


A person, usually another student, who is employed by a college or university to live in a dorm and assist you; they can help resolve roommate conflicts, help answer questions about college, and plan fun activities for your dorm community.

What is a resident assistant? OR

What is a house fellow?


Some universities only offer bachelor's degrees, the primary type of undergraduate degree; some universities offer more advanced degrees, usually awarded by this type of school.  

What is a graduate school?


One extra-curricular that Ms. Jasmine did in high school.

What is forensics? OR What is theater? 


Where Ms. Jasmine graduated college.

What is UW-Madison?


You might call someone with a doctorate degree a doctor, but the kind of doctor you visit when you're sick has this degree. 

What is an MD?


This application, which is an acronym, allows people who are pursuing college to access financial aid based on economic factors.

What is the FAFSA?


Whether public or private, many schools do not make extra money on their students. Schools of this type, however, rely on investors to survive; they operate like businesses. 

What are for-profit schools?

An organization that Ms. Jasmine was a member of in college.

What is Theta Alpha Kappa?


This is Ms. Jasmine's job.

What is Tutor Coordinator?

What is (Development) Specialist?
