
The sequence and variety of roles which one undertakes throughout a lifetime. It encompasses all life roles, not just occupation, and includes all paid and unpaid work, learning, leisure activities, and community and family responsibilities. Each person has a unique career in which work, learning, and life are inextricably intertwined.


Career Building

The process of securing and maintaining work, making career-enhancing decisions, maintaining balanced life and work roles, understanding the changing nature of life and work roles, and understanding, engaging in and managing the
career-building process. Work search techniques are encompassed within career building.


Career Competencies

Skills and attributes that promote intentional career development, lifelong learning and work/life balance that can be developed and strengthened over time. There are eleven competencies across three areas in the Australian Blueprint for Career Development.


Career Development

The lifelong process of gaining the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to manage life, learning, leisure, transition and work in order to move towards a personally determined and evolving preferred future. It involves individuals planning and making decisions about education, training and career choices, as well as developing the right skills and knowledge to do this.


Career Management

Career management is about well thought out career planning and the active management of one’s own career choices. It includes skills, such as
self-management, and strategies by which individuals can effectively direct their own career development process, lifelong learning and work/life balance, and the ability to turn chance/serendipity into opportunity.


Career Portfolio

A career portfolio is used to organise and document evidence of education, personal and professional achievements, qualifications and attributes. A career portfolio is used to: inform future choices, applying for jobs, entry to higher education or training programs or scholarships; when seeking promotion; to show transferable skills; and when reflecting on personal development. It should be updated regularly.

For this course, a career portfolio includes: resume, achievements, job application, and qualifications. A career portfolio can be either written, or an e-portfolio in a format such as a Google site, Weebly or



Learning directed towards developing those skills, competencies, understandings and attributes that will equip an individual to be innovative and to identify, create, initiate and successfully manage personal, community, business and work opportunities, including working for themselves.

This can also refer to an organisation such as a business, community or government agency.


Flat Organisational Structure

Where the span of control within an organisation is wide, resulting in fewer levels of management.


Functional Organisational

A common type of organisational structure in which the organisation is grouped based on specialisation by functional areas, such as IT, finance, and marketing. A functional organisation is best suited as a producer of standardised goods and services at large volume and low cost.


Geographic Organisational Structure

A firm organised into geographical units (regional, national, international) that report to a central headquarters. This type of structure allows an organisation's offices to operate individually while adhering to company policies and values.


Global Economic Activity

Actions that involve the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services at all levels within a society.



The move towards increasing economic, financial, trade and communications integration of economies around the world, resulting in an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods and services across national borders.


Hierarchical Organisational Structure

Incorporates a set of defined roles that are performed by employees in the workplace. This structure allows each employee to work systematically and according to procedures understood by all employees. In most cases, each worker will have fellow co-workers, supervisors and managers working in a team environment. In smaller companies, there will be fewer co-workers and maybe only one manager.


Individual Efficiency

The extent to which time, effort or cost is well used for the intended task or purpose, with a minimum amount or quantity of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort. The ability of an individual to maximise his/her contributions to an organisation.


Individual pathway plan 


A document completed and regularly reviewed by an individual that summarises skills, knowledge and attributes, together with short-term and long term goals and associated action plans, to assist a person manage their life, learning and work throughout the many transition points in their life.
