Animal Careers
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Environmental Careers
More Agricultural Careers

What is a person who farms fish called?

An Aquaculturist


- This career involves a wide range of tasks, from selling products including plants, flowers, tools and garden furniture, mainly to the public.

What is a Garden Center Manager.


What career involves properly managing and disposing of waste on both farms and communities?

A waste management specialist


This career involves being a law enforcement agent of the federal and state fish and wildlife agencies. They enforce laws and regulations designed to protect and conserve fish and wildlife.

What is a Game Warden?


This career includes outdoor recreation, educational experiences, entertainment, agricultural sales, accommodations, and more. Areas of work could include petting zoos, exotic animal farms, school tours, etc.

What is Agritourism Manager/


This career establishes and maintains hives of bees for honey production, for resale or for pollination. What is the name of this career.



A viticulturist studies and improves the production of which product




A person who designs robots and drones to assist farmers with weed control, cloud seeding, planting seeds, harvesting, environmental monitoring and soil analysis.

What is an agricultural robotitist or engineer?


This career is hired by the National Park Service to maintain the natural beauty of the environment and to aid campers and tourists in the enjoyment of national parks. They oversee camp activities in order to prevent forest fires, give out helpful information, and keep law and order inside the parks.

What is Park Ranger?


What does a nutritionist do?

What is planning food and nutrition programs and supervising the preparation and serving of meals.



This career allows one to work with animals in private clinics, animal hospitals, and laboratories. This requires fewer amounts of college instruction than becoming a veterinarian.

What is a Veterinary Assistant?


This career involves maintaining golf courses and athletic fields, such as football and baseball fields.



This Career involves permanently joining two or more metal parts by using high heat through machines and is important to the repair of farm equipment.

What is a Welder?


This career has a variety of jobs and responsibilities, but probably the most prominent job is that of forestry firefighter. Fire prevention and control are traditionally major parts of the job.

What is Forest Ranger.


This career involves providing instruction to students in various subjects under the broad umbrella of agriculture. Subjects such as forestry, horticulture, animal science, and agriculture mechanics may be part of the local school curriculum based on the needs of the community

What is Agricultural Education Teacher?


This career involves managing the care, feeding and milking of dairy cattle.  Some farms involve robotic milkers, while others employ persons to handle milking.  

What is a dairy farmer?


This career involves the study and research of the interactions among plants, soils, and the environment.



What does a Mechanical Engineer do?

Design tools and equipment for use in Agriculture and other fields.


What does a Soil Scientist do?

What is studying the chemical, physical, biological, and mineral composition of soils related to plant and crop growth?


Employees of Virginia Tech or Virginia State University, these people provide educational programming and scientifically researched information to farmers,families and 4-H members at the Local Extension Office!

Who are Greene's Extension Agents?


What does an Entomologist study?

An Entomologist is a scientist who studies insects.


This type of arctitect combines a knowledge of agriculture, horticulture and design to create attractive and practical landscapes around buildings and commmunities. 

Landscape Architect


This career involves establishing official land, air space, and water boundaries. They write descriptions of land for deeds, leases, and other legal documents 

What is a surveyor?


This career involves studying trees, their identification, care and their uses. It is important so that trees are used wisely and replanted.

What is a Forester?


This person turns milk into a food product using fermentation

What is a Cheesemaker?
