Bioinformatics Specialist
The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.
What is archaeology?
Someone who studies the universe and the objects within it. They study planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, and other celestial bodies. They use radio and optical telescopes on Earth and space-based telescopes and other tools to make observations and collect data.
What is an astronomer?
The science dealing with the fossils of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago
What is paleontology?
The study of the forces and laws of nature, from the largest galaxies to the tiniest subatomic particles.
What is physics?
The use of computers to the management of biological data. Uses computers to store, process, analyze, manage, and retrieve large amounts of biological and genomic data.
What is bioinformatics?
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree with a major in anthropology or archaeology.
What is education is required for an archaeologist?
For astronomers is like $106,360 per year or $51.14.
What is the salary for an astronomer?
A paleontologist will need a Ph.D. and have knowledge of biology and geology. Chemistry, physics, calculus, statistics, and computer science is important knowledge for paleontologists.
What is the education required for an paleontologist?
For physicists, doctoral degrees are required for most jobs, but a master’s degree are good for many applied research and development positions in industry.
What is the education required for an physicist?
For bioinformatics specialists is $41,430. Varies depending on field of application, experience, education level, location, and other factors.
What is the salary for bioinformatics specialists?
Professional archaeologists work for universities, museums, governments, private companies, and as consultants. Archaeological work is done either outdoors during field work or in an office environment when writing reports or research papers.
Where do archaeologists work?
Most professional astronomers are professors or research staff at colleges and universities. Some work at national observatories and government labs. Others work in planetariums and science museums. They spend much of their time in offices and work full time.
Where does an astronomer work?
Paleontologists study the history and process of evolution by examining fossils. They use data from fossilized bones, ancient pollen, and other things. They dig up details on past climates and past extinctions.
What does a paleontologist do?
Physicists spend most of their time in laboratories and offices and work full time.
Where does an physicist work?
Bioinformatics specialists work full time in laboratories and offices.
Where do bioinformatics specialists work?
Archaeologists conduct field investigations, study artifacts, excavate sites, manage the logistics of projects at sites, write reports and recommendations, teach, conduct research, and publish the results of their research in academic journals.
What does an archaeologist do?
The employment of astronomers is projected to grow 7% from 2014-2024.
What is the job outlook for the astronomy field?
For paleontologists is about $64,000 per year.
What is the salary for an paleontologist?
For physicists is $106,840.
What is the salary for an physicist?
Job growth in bioinformatics is projected to grow at a rate of 8-14% between 2012 and 2022. Opportunities for bioinformatics specialists supporting grant-funded research will depend on the availability of funding.
What is the job outlook for the bioinformatics field?
An archaeologist with an advanced degree and several years experience managing projects and staff is approximately $45,000.
What is the salary for an archaeologist?
Most astronomers have a Ph.D. in astronomy or physics. Doctorates are required for faculty and research positions.
What is the education required for an astronomer?
While the government projects that employment of geoscientists as a whole will grow quickly, the outlook for paleontologists specifically is more conservative. The Paleontological Research Institution says that there are fewer jobs in paleontology in the United States than there were a few years ago, but a few good jobs still become available each year.
What is the job outlook for the paleontology field?
Employment of physicists is projected to grow 10% from 2012-2022. About as fast as the average for all occupations. Growth in physics research dependent on government funding is expected to flatten. Physicists will also be needed in many industries in the private sector. Nuclear energy, renewable energy, and environmental jobs are areas of job growth.
What is the job outlook for the physics field?
Entry-level opportunities are available to those with a bachelor’s degree. They generally have degrees in biology, bioinformatics, or computer programming. Courses in statistics, math, and chemistry are recommended. About 41% have master's degrees which opens up more opportunities for advancement.
What is the education required for bioinformatics specialists?