What Is It?
Financial Costs?
Education Needed?
What Comes Next?
State of the Industry?

What is Lawyer?

Someone who is trained and licensed to advise and represent others in legal matters.


How Much Does It Cost To Go To Law School?

It costs an average of $20,700 to attend law school for one year.

This would equal to around $62,100 to complete law school which is 3 years long.


How Do You Become a Lawyer?

The process is to first take an undergraduate course and earn your degree, then apply to law school and obtain your Juris Doctor, then to become certified by the


Where To Find Hiring Opportunities?

Just like any other job, you can use job searching websites to see job postings, get a referral from someone else, or through networking.


How Popular is This Job?

According to the American Bar Association, one in 300 people are lawyers.


What Do Lawyers Do?

It depends on the field of the law the lawyer practices. For example a criminal lawyer will defend and represent an accused person in a criminal case.


What is Their Yearly Salary?

The average lawyer makes around $126,595  per year which is well above the national average of $50,000.


 What Undergraduate Courses Are Recommended?

Any undergraduate field major can apply and get accepted into law school however some are more closely tied in with law giving you an advantage. These include political science, english, and business degrees.


How To Get Hired?

Reach out to the company that is hiring → Have a relevant and appealing cover letter and resume → Make a good impression during the interview by being professional 


Is the Job Market Growing or Shrinking? By How Much?

The job market is growing fairly quickly. The job market is expected to grow 10% in the next 10 years.


What is the Appeal of Being a Lawyer?

It is a high paying job which has a good reputation attached to it as well as the fact that it is a rewarding job as you get to help people through their problems.


How Steady is Their Income?

Their income and job is quite steady due to the high demand of their service as well as the fact that there are not many lawyers.


How Do You Get Into Law School?

Obtain a bachelor’s degree → Take the LSAT (Law school admissions test) → Submit your official transcript (depends on the law school) → Optional: Get a letter of recommendation from someone that knows you academically


What Qualifications Are Employers Looking For?

Previous internships to law firms, A relevant bachelor’s degree, A Juris Doctor Degree, Depending on the job, a Bar Exam certification may also be required.


How Many Hours In An Average Work Week?

Based on the 2018 Legal Trends Report, the average lawyer works around 49.6 hours per week.


What Are the Different Types of Lawyers?

There are many types of lawyers, some include: Criminal lawyer, Environmental lawyer, Real estate lawyer, Civil rights lawyer, Constitutional lawyer, Tax lawyer, Entertainment lawyer


 How Much Does It Cost to Start Your Own Law Firm?

To start your own law firm is fairly inexpensive only requiring a website, LLC, and insurance which is around $2,000.


How Do You Become Certified?

To be able to practice the law, one must: Either work under the supervision of a licensed lawyer for 10 months → Or take the LPP (Law practice program) which is 4 months of learning and 4 months of working → Then one must take either a Barrister or Solicitor exam based on which specialization they are aiming for.


What Personal Traits Are Employers Looking For?

Drive and endurance, Good communication, Attention to detail, Teamwork, Entrepreneurial mindset


Average Age Of Retirement?

The average of retirement for lawyers is at 75 years old.


What Are the Most Popular Types?

Corporate lawyers, Family Lawyers, Personal injury lawyer, Tax lawyer


Additional Fees?

To take the Bar exam as well as the preparation course provided by the Law Society costs around $2,300.


How Do You Specialize?

After the first year of law school, one will be allowed to choose which areas of law they want to study

Based on this, one will take either the Barrister or Solicitor exam based on their interest/desired field.


What Career Advancements Are Out There?

Becoming a partner of a law firm which means owning part of the firm while taking on more responsibility, Creating your own firm, Working as a legal consultant or freelance, Becoming a judge later on.


Is It a Sustainable Job?

Depends on the person, some people enjoy working hard and for long hours while some people find it extremely draining. 
