Job Applications
College/Post-Secondary Ed & Funding
What is a Resume?
a document used by people to get a new job, a promotion, or an increase in salary. A typical résumé contains a summary of relevant job experience and education .
What are two things you SHOULD NOT do at an interview to get the job?
Chew gum, show up late, wear sunglasses, dress inappropriate, be rude, be a know-it-all, etc.
You should write on your job applications with what kind of writing utensil?
Blue or Black ink pen only
True or False: Skills that you include in your resume need to relate to your objective.
What is the difference between a job and a career?
Job - could obtain anytime, possily minimum wage, short-term, temporary perhaps Career - more education, higher pay, enjoyable, high interest in the field, long-term
Employers don’t want to read “fluff”, they want to read ____________?
What are two things you SHOULD do at an interview to get the job?
Arrive a little bit early and on time, be prepared, dress professional, study company beforehand, be confident in your answers, etc.
What should you do if you mess up on an application?
Best choice: Start over!
What is it important to know your skills and interests when choosing a career?
You will potentially be doing this career for a long time. Want to enjoy your job. Needs to relate to your skills and abilities.
What is a scholarship? Where can I go to find scholarships?
Scholarships - award of financial aid for a student to further education. Scholarships are awarded on various criteria based on the requirements. The internet is a good source -- is a great place to look for all kinds of scholarships. Certain colleges also have their own scholarships that you can apply for. Counselors also are great to go to for help!
What are the 4 basic components of a resume?
Work Experience, Objective, Skills, Education (Employers focus on work experience the most!)
True or False : It is not necessary to ask questions back to the person who is interviewing you.
False. Many employers want you to ask questions back to see if you're interested in the job, see if you did your "homework" (aka researching the job) and so forth.
My name is Joshua Thompson but all my friends call me Josh. What would I put on my application and/or resume to identify myself?
ALWAYS full name -- Joshua Thompson
What are skills that you have gained throughout your life that can be used on unrelated jobs? (Hint: Job-Related skills or Transferable Skills)
Transferable Skills
What is a loan? How can I obtain one?
Loan - An arrangement in which a lender gives money or property to a borrower, and the borrower agrees to return the property or repay over time. You could get a loan through a bank/financial company. Have to apply for it and see if you're eligible to get it.
Employers will determine within the how many seconds whether or not to keep your resume?
10-30 seconds
After the interview is over, what should I do before leaving the interview room?
Shake employers hand, thank them. When you get home, write a thank you letter to send as well.
If your job application asks for references, name 2 sources you could use?
Teachers / Boss / Counselors etc (NO friends/family members)
When discussing your work experience in a resume, you should include your job and then list ___________________. Example Sales Associate: Verizon Wireless 1999-2003 Provided quality customer service, researched and promoted Verizon products, and increased sales by 60%. Became Staff Member of the month, provided leadership within a team environment and was promoted from a Customer Service Representative to Sales Associate after one year.
What is a grant?
any monetary aid (aka free money); do not have to pay back
What is the difference between CHRONOLOGICAL and FUNCTIONAL resumes?
CHRONOLOGICAL states your work history from the most recent to the first (remember the 10-15 year rule). Use FUNCTIONAL if you have limited or no experience relevant to the job title you are applying for.
What is networking?
Communicating your needs to others (i.e. friends/family) in hopes that they will help you find what your are looking for or get you connected with others to help achieve your goals.
If you do not have a lot of work experience to put on your job application and/or resume, what should you focus on?
Skills! Secondly, accomplishments
List 5 skills you could put down if you were applying for a new job.
Teamwork, Computer, Communication, Leadership, Work Ethic, Professionalism, Self-Starter, etc
What might be some key factors in determining what college or technical/trade school you will attend after high school? Name 2!
Price / Location / Scholarships you might obtain from them / If they have your major