All about Arosa!
Caregiver Facts/Stress
Caregiver Ergonomics
Dementia 101
Who was listening?

Name at least one of the Arosa mission statements.

1) attract, train, retain, and treasure the best professionals and 

2) create superior models of care that reach the greatest number of clients. 


T/F Women who are caregivers are more likely than men to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression.

What is True


When lifting you should lift with your (blank) and not your (blank)

What is Knees/Legs; What is Back


T/F Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning — to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities.

What is True


What office did Amanda and Zion originally work for?

What is Durham/ Triangle


Name at least 3 states Arosa serves.

California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah


These are relaxation techniques caregivers should practice when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. (Name at least two)

What are Breathing Exercises, Meditation, Visualization, Exercise


This should be placed around the patient by the caregiver for the caregiver to hold onto in order to safely balance and steady the patient.

What is a Gait Belt


(Blank) have a greater risk of developing dementia than (blank) during their lifetime.

What is woman; What is men


How long has Ms.Amy been a nurse?

- 15+ years


Before this office became “Arosa” what was the name of the previous agency?

Nurse Care of NC/ Forever Young


 (Blank) is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that can happen when you dedicate time and energy to manage the health and safety of someone else.

What is CG Burnout


Best for user's who can walk but just need a little help with balance and stability. Allows users to stop and rest if they get winded while ambulating. 

What is a Rollator


As this neurological disease progresses, many people with it tend to develop dementia.

What is Parkinson's Disease


What is Gena's role within Arosa?

Care Advocate 


Who is the Arosa name inspired by?

What is the alpine village Ari’s grandmother returned to after she fled from Switzerland during WWII.


This percentage of women are caregivers in the United States. ( must be +/- 5 of the correct answer)

 What is 80%


A piece of equipment that can be used if a person is not able to use their legs to complete a transfer between surfaces or if a standing transfer is not safe to perform

What is a Sliding Board


The most common types of dementia each start with shrinkage of (blank) that may be restricted to certain parts of the (blank).

What is Brain Tissue; What is the Brain


Besides caregiving, what other services do we provide here in the Piedmont region?

Integrated Care Management, Nursing Services


This is the age range that represents the majority of caregivers in the U.S.

What is 45-49 year old


A mobility tool used to help seniors with mobility challenges get out of bed or the bath without the assistance of another person.

What is a Hoyer Lift/ Standing Lift


(Blank) is a broad umbrella term for all major neurocognitive disorders, while (blank) is a specific disease characterized by memory changes or decline beyond what is normal for aging.

What is Dementia; What is Alzheimer's
