What are the standard PPE items that should worn by a professional mixer driver?
Enhancement of concrete properties and economical budgeting price
What are the general purpose for admixtures in concrete?
Class I Class II
Class III Class IV
Class V
What are the different cement classes of cement
What is a slump test.
Front discharge Volumetric
Rear discharge Paddle
What are examples of concrete delivery trucks.
Who is responsible for safety at work?
Everybody plays a role in safety at work.
Added to create smaller bubbles in concrete, improves resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing
What is Air Entrainment Admix (AEA)
cementitious material water
coarse & fine aggregates
What are the 4 primary constituents in a concrete mix design.
The chemical reaction that occurs when water is added to cement, causing it to harden and gain strength.
What is hydration?
Steer 4/32
Drive 2/32
What are the minimum tire tread depths when performing a Concrete Mixer inspection.
Slips, Trips, and Falls
What is the most common RMC workplace injury/incident?
Chemical Admixes Cold Materials
Sugar Excess Water
Petroleum based products
Materials that can slow the hydration of cement down
Fly ash Calcium carbonate
Silica Fume Calcined clay
Calcined shale Rice husk
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)
What are Secondary Cementous Materials (SCM).
Assumed normal weight of concrete per cubic foot
What are the 5 key rules in the Smith System?
Numbers used to measure how smooth and level a concrete floor is.
What are FF and FL #'s in concrete.
If a truck has possibly been electrified.
When is the only time it is advisable to jump clear and free from a truck.
Increases workability without affecting w-c ratio, reduces cost, increases concrete strength indirectly
What function do Plasticizing admixtures play in mix design.
Joseph Aspdin (25 December 1778 – 20 March 1855) was an English bricklayer, businessman, inventor, and stonemason.
Who is credited for the creation of the modern Portland cement process.
The addition of excess water
What is the most damaging ingredient a mixer driver can control the addition of.