Polices & Procedures
Human Rights
Health & Safety
Training & Development

What is an emergency evacuation plan and where is it kept?

The emergency evacuation plan is kept in each office/activity room and describes the policies and procedures for an evacuation in the event of an emergency.


Who is our human rights officer?



Where are the first aid kits kept?

In every room!


Where are the Department of Labor posters kept?

Staff break room


What is an ISP and how often is it held?

Individuals support plan, held once per year.


What is the protocol book and where is it kept?

The protocol book contains all agency policies and procedures, certificated and training sign offs. It is kept in the Director's office.


How can an individual report abuse and/or neglect? Where is this information located?

An individual can talk to any staff as we are mandated reporters. They can also call DPPC 24/7 and the posters are located in every room next to the telephone


Name three types of safety drills we conduct

fire, power outage, natural disaster


Name a committee individuals can choose to be a part of

Safety and advisory committee


How have we supported people in giving back to their communities?

Service learning projects; name a few!


How are staff kept up to date on policies and procedures?

As policies are reviewed and updated, they are shared with staff teams, who review/train and sign off. Staff can also access the protocol book at any time or find policies on the shared drive.


How do we train and make sure individuals understand their human rights?

ongoing monthly discussions of 'human rights of the month' and an annual training for individuals and staff

Name one individual who is a fall risk 



What is a satisfaction survey and who is it given to?

A survey for individuals and caregivers, used to provide feedback to program systems regarding aspects of satisfaction with programming. Done on a yearly basis


How do we support individuals to transition as their abilities and needs change?

Review of DHSP goals, discussions at staff meeting


What is the procedure for arrival to program for participants, due to COVID19?

Line up 6 ft apart outside with masks on. Come in one at a time for a temperature check, switch masks and sanitize hands. Remain 6 ft apart at all times.


What is the responsibility of the human right committee?

Review behavior plans, adaptive/supportive devices, incident reports, etc

What is the unique needs book and where is it kept?

The unique needs book, kept in the nursing office contains specific info about individuals such as diagnosis, allergies, dining protocol, seizure protocol, etc


How do we help individuals to live the life they want to live and make their own informed choices?

Allow for choice in activity, aspects of programming, community outings, lunch out, curriculum development/planning


How do we make sure people have access to technology and supports they need?

We acquire new technology as it becomes available, trainings given by our clinical team, annual reviews of adaptive equipment, discussions with key players on support team

What is the procedure for reporting an incident and what information is included in the form?

Staff alert program managers, fill out incident report form which includes a summary of the event, date/time & location, if there is injury or property damage, if HCC was notified and treatment provided and any other steps taken to protect health and safety of individual(s) involved.


Who are three individuals required of the human rights committee?

Lawyer, medical professional, caretaker/parent/guardian, individual


What is an adaptive/supportive device? Name three used here.

A device used to help an individual increase independence. For example, ipad, walker, wheelchair, afo's


Where can families find information about COVID policies?

Website! Letters home, email correspondence, the nurse


What do you think is one of our biggest accomplishment of the past 3 years?

relocating site!
