Health and Safety
CARF Vocab
Performance Measurements
Compliance & Policies

There are 4 total, and the locations are one in Suite C, three in Suite D.

How many fire extinguishers does the clinic have and where are they located?


Someone who is affiliated with Galaxy such as a client, employee or referral source.  

What is a stakeholder?


A survey designed to learn about the client’s satisfaction with Galaxy

What is the client experience survey?


 A form staff members sign annually agreeing to Galaxy’s policy and procedures, specifically safeguarding privacy.

What is HIPPA and Confidentiality Agreement?


Unless this is on file, Galaxy’s team members will provide all life-saving measures including CPR.

What is a DNR?


In preparation for emergency procedures, Galaxy practices these to ensure the staff and persons served know what to do in an emergency situation.

What is an announced safety drill?


A “how to” description of actions to be taken. Not required to be written unless specified.

What is a procedure?


The goal for Galaxy’s cancellation rate.

What is the cancellation rate of 20.6%


The maximum amount/value an employee can receive as a gift from a client.

What is a $25 dollar value?


A document given to clients that informs them of the services they will receive at Galaxy and the duration/frequency of the services.

What is a client plan of care?


An event that poses a significant risk to the safety, well-being, or rights of individuals within or associated with the organization.

What is a critical incident?


Written course of action or guidelines adopted by leadership and reflected in actual practice.

What is a policy?


A standardized measure Galaxy utilizes to identify the effectiveness/impact of our services.

What is QoL-BREF?


A policy used to determine if a client is appropriate for Galaxy’s services.

What is the Scope of Practice?


A resource given to clients with an ABI (not CVA) at their first appointment with information about brain injury, the stages of rehabilitation, common changes, recovery tips, self-advocacy, and statewide services.

What is a BISP folder?


De-escalation techniques through Handle With Care

Workplace Violation and Prevention Program which includes trainings on Active Shooter, Lockdown, Bomb Threats, No weapons policy.

 Client risks assessments and environment assessments

What training have you received regarding working with persons with challenging behaviors?  


A form used by a client to elect a personal representative at Galaxy to advocate for the needs, wants, and rights of the person served.

What is an ROI?


A goal from Galaxy’s strategic plan.

(one of the following)

What is: 

  • The provider/partner of choice

  • Expert therapists/outstanding results

  • Growing with purpose

  • Prep to scale


A form used for a person served or a member of their care team who wants to share a written grievance with the leadership staff.

What is a formal, written complaint form?


A tool for a client who has verbalized thoughts of self-harm that creates an emotional safety plan to guide them through an emotional crisis.

What is the emotional health safety plan?


 Although such incidents are infrequent in outpatient care programs, Galaxy will provide training to staff members and share resources with client’s care teams to ensure a proactive prepared approach.  

What is Galaxy’s policy on wandering and elopement?


An unexpected occurrence within a CARF-accredited program involves death or serious physical or psychological injury or the risk thereof.

What is a sentinel event?


A focus for Galaxy’s Cultural Competency Diversity and Inclusion Plan.

(one of the following)

What is: 

  • Create a more diverse workforce that mirrors our community/persons served.

  • Continue education for staff and clients on DEI terminology.

  •  Ensure that persons served receive services in a manner compatible with their cultural and health beliefs, practices, and preferred language.

  •  Provide educational resources and training to clients, stakeholders, and staff on current 


This set of internal policies and procedures ensures that a company adheres to laws, regulations, and ethical standards, protecting the organization from legal risks and enhancing its reputation.

What is Galaxy’s Corporate Policy Program?


A document offered in writing to a client when they complete their last therapy session at Galaxy, which is designed to transition them to the next program and provide comprehensive information about the client's strengths.

What is the Discharge/Transition Template?
