Representation Agreements
What is in the Individual Documents?
Staff Meetings
What is Policy 3.D.33 Staff Meetings "Staff meetings are an important component to the service we provide to individuals as well as to the efficient operation of the home/programs. Staff meetings are scheduled regularly by the manager and minutes are recorded and reviewed on Sharevision. It is the responsibility of all staff to review the minutes of the staff meeting..." and... MARK AS READ!
Island Health and our policies state that we provide 3 meals and 2 snacks based on what?
What is a 4 week menu with balanced nutrition.
The staff need to do this after they have read the ICP, PCP or Safety plan, for examples.
We know what "best practice" is.
What is continuous, professional development.
I can communicate in other ways if I am "non verbal".
What is/are: sign language, body language, written/letter board, picture symbols, augmentative/alternative communication devices; eye pointing/gaze frames, "talkers", etc.
All Personal Files: PCPs, ICPs, Physical Assistance Checklist, Financial Ledger, Contacts, etc.
What is located on the person's personal page?
Schedules and Activities
Policy 7.B.7. Schedules and Activities:
"Document all outings and activities; use the individual supported event calendar on Sharevision including the name of the activity, date, time. Activities are tracked on the person's calendar. "
Activities and outings must be identified, not posted as a re occurring "outing".
True or False: regular meetings must take place between the persons served and the staff.
Nine (or more!) Rights
What is/are:
Right person, right time, Right date,
Right route, Right
Melani wants to meet more people her age.
What is a goal statement.
To help people with developmental disabilities have a good life and to respect their personal choices.
What is our Mission Statement?
Accurate up to date record of a persons belongings.
What are the categories
Asset Registry: description, model, make, serial number, size (if applicable), date purchased, amount, date discarded.
Persons served in a residential setting have the opportunity for expression of choice.
What is Community Housing, H.
Community Living Month, Chinese New Year, Easter, Black History Month, etc.
What are inclusive community celebrations and cultural activities we can participate in and enjoy
I need to record that I just purchased some milk for the house from my petty cash.
What is/are: Petty cash ledgers on Sharevision
Community Inclusion, cultural access, community participation and celebrations, family inclusion and participation, volunteering, self advocacy
What is helping people develop meaningful relationships and a sense of community as a valued community member.
A community where all members live a full life, feel included and are empowered to make personal choices in their lives.
What is our vision?
If I need a Behaviour Safety Plan or a Behaviour Support Plan, I make a referral to these people.
What is CRT, Crisis Response Team
Mike Engels and Cassie
excluding or isolating someone socially
What is the bullying and Harassment policy (4. K. 4)
True or False: Your staff must know where the main water shut off do you!
True! Find the main water shut off!
Annual Training
What is: medication Administration, Dementia, Infection and Communicable Diseases and Prevention, Policies and Procedures.
Difficulty focusing, confusion, temper, forgetful, aging, behavior change.
What is dementia/alzheimer disease.
This is a list of our 6 values....
what is/are:
Community Inclusion and Participation
Human connection
Person centered approach
Open and transparent communication
High standards and quality
investigates unsafe work or working conditions
Who is the Health and Safety Committee
Get under a desk or table
Financial abuse, restriction of rights, restraint, use of seclusion
What are reportable critical incidents
Pearl Jam
What is one of Stephen's favourite bands?
Commitment to care, Rights to health Safety and Dignity, Rights to participation and freedom of expression, Rights to transparency and accountability
What is the Residents' Bill of Rights
an outline of work expectations with a plan to support learning/training
What is a letter of expectations